2007年3月21日 星期三

希臘睇真D 9 - 希臘也有運河 ?

Recap May 04, 2005

希臘也有運河 ? 對呀!! 就係Corinth Canal

去參觀古蹟前,我們先在 Corinth 停留,要看看那條運河的真面目。 Before coming to the Peloponnese from Athens , our tour made a brief stop at the Corinth Canal .

很多人也知道地球上有二大運河,百多年來對商業航運有舉足輕重的貢獻,第一、二大運河除口也可說出,還有這條差點被忘記的 Corinth 運河,連接普著愛琴海與 愛奧尼亞海;希臘人不愧為人類西方文化的搖籃,它已有百多年歷史,由尼祿大帝於一八八二年興建,一八九三年開放,全只長六公里,闊二十三米。除普著近年的商船普遍已變成海上巨無霸,這條小運河現已日漸式微,只供小型船隻或觀光船隻通過。

It link between Aegean and Ionian Seas, was opened in 1893. The construction was started by Emperor Nero (around AD66). The importance of  this 6 km long, 23 m wide canal is now fading in the era of giant container ships.

Left hand side from the bridge

Right hand side from the Canal.


去完 Mycenae後,導遊帶我們在附近一間餐廳吃地道午飯,團餐沒驚喜!

接普著又來到一個好浪漫的海濱城市 Nafplio, 我們在 Nafplio 港口自由活動,廣場附近的街道全是鋪上了雲石,整潔有序,好舒服, 有很多Café, tavenas,好 Cozy, 當日雖然天陰陰, 又大風,除了旅通遊巴的團友, 沒見到其他遊人,如果天氣好時, 必定吸引不少本地遊人,一 路上,見到不少名車,  如果自駕遊Peloponnese, 這兒是首選的落腳點!

尤其是在這裡, 特別覺得想有個伴, 想坐下來喝咖啡, 但孤伶伶,

Hehe!! 我們上兩個周末已回來這裡了,沿途重經過好多果圜,有好多橙樹正開花結果,咁橋係收成期,有橙農在路邊擺擋賣,我地買左D橙返去榨橙汁真係好甜架,第日部都要買希臘橙!)

After visiting the archaeological site of Mycenae , the guide took us to a local restaurant for lunch.  After that, we went to a charming seaside town,  Nafplio for a short break. The pavements near the port are laided by  marbles. I immediately fell in love with this town.  It’s a pity that Teddy bear is not hear, it would be nice if we can stay here one night. Actually, we did come back here two weeks ago, we also found miles and miles of  fruit garden on the way passing by .  There is a big production of oranges in this area and we bought some oanges home fo squeezing orange juice.They are indeed very sweet !!!


 This town emerge from 13th century and endured many sieges during the struggles between Venice and Turkey .  From 1829 until 1834, the town was the first capital of liberated Greece . The medieval quarters is on the west side of the town, signs of the second Venetian occupation can be noticed.
In fact, if you want to visit Ancient Olympia, Mycenae, or Tripoli, here is a good place for overnight stop. There are so many restaurants near the port.

It is a huge Venetian citadel built between 1711 nd 1714, was designed to withstand all new artillery. It named after the Homeric hero Palamedes ,who is also the son of Nafplio and Klimeni. 

This island fortress was built during the second Venetian occupation and until 1930  become  the residence of local executioner.  Bourtzi 似鬼古保多D !!
有點似馬賽對開那個  Chateau IF


4 則留言:

  1. 條運河好窄呀......肥啲嘅船都入唔到

  2. 那孤獨的fortress!

  3. 我畏高架 好似好高 你那邊的天氣怎樣啊?

  4. Petite poupee @安提比2007年3月23日 清晨6:59

    Madame Pi 衣家 作用吾大lu, 睜系for 遊客睇!! 巴黎旅客 有D陰深呀!似鬼屋!
    尤妮斯@ Paris
    我企響果度亦有D腳震,  落了兩日雨呀!!今日又番太陽忙!!
