2008年4月30日 星期三

火山爆發the day after

火山溶岩不下十次把這國道切斷,每次也有石碑記下不同年份1986, ,1976, 1943, 2001, Jan 2002, nov-dec 2002, 1998, 1961, 1931(2007 我沒有看到),但置身其中真的十分鎮憾,溶岩直流到岸邊,尤其溶岩經過的地方所有樹木全部寸草不留,沒有力量可以阻止, 無論你多強悍多硬淨,一個火山爆發什麼也灰飛煙滅,無言以對很失落,心裡不禁想起人類的妙小;縱使什麼超級大國,擁有什麼核子道彈,也阻止不到火山的威力!

Lava was cutting across the route a couple of times in the past ten years during Volcanic Eruptios. Stones signs were placed to mark the incidents,1986, ,1976, 1943, 2001, Jan 2002, nov-dec 2002, 1998, 1961, 1931, recently 2007...

the following film was realised  on wednesday  8 novembre 2006 par Reunionbysat au Dolomieu.

 Le cratere de Dolomieu (2525 M

wel! it is a bit dangerous to go there like that, I will not encourage!

火山爆發 Eruption of Piton de la Furnaise in 2007.

When we were there the Piton de la Furnaise woken up twice! However,no one could see  the live volcanic eruption without walking for about 2 hours to the near by mountain. The entire area was condoned off due to security reason. We saw the spectacular in the TV.

離這段路最有一小鎮,每當火山爆發,這鎮St Rose 便要徹離,有一1976溶岩迫近一座教堂週邊,眼看教堂快要被流到的溶岩吞食,就在這時溶岩在教堂入口的石階停止前進,教堂至今仍原好無缺,眼前的景象是巧合嗎?或是神蹟?水晶晶不是教徒,卻不由得不信這是 Miracle!

3段片是數年來Piton de la Furnaise 多次火山爆發,地質科學家穿著保護衣物於溫度高達千多度的火山口進行研究,研究流出的溶岩成份!


上火山le Volcan 1

火山第ニ擊+ Grand Bassin 2 (new video)

三顧火山Volcano 3 (updated)

2008年4月27日 星期日

海鮮大會 Zarzuela


就是蝦也有五、六種, 不信看圖,再加入口龍蝦!

食生蠔要冇R 的月份五月 Janvier, mai, juin, 

 海鮮拼盤 Plateau de fruit de mer (Cannes)
 Lobster, Langoustes(F),Astice (I), 

(有鉗)scampi or Langoustines (F) ,Scampi (I)

Prawns,  Crevettes(F ), Gambas (I) ,

蝦, shrimps, crevettes, Gambrettes (I),

 Periwinkle, bigorneaux (F), Littorina (I), 像小蝸牛 

Oyster,huîtres (F) ,

看不清楚, 大特寫..

大鉗 Lobster, Hommard  (F), Astice(I)


Rose Shrimps (Crevettes Rose)***

不要小看蝦仔冇肉食, 查實好鮮甜,用pan 要連殼炒,

要連殼趙, 仲要吞埋殼 ,  

Crabs  (Toureaux), 殼硬過石頭的

 Lobster (Langoustes) and  Prawns (Crevettes)

小鉗scampi (I), (Langoutines)

 翡翠螺(?) Bulots, 生蠔 Oyster,  Razor clam,  蛤蜊Amande de mer


先前做過白酒青口,龍蝦仔飯 risotto with scampi、小鯷魚Anchovy、
魷魚筒Stuffed calamari !

今個星期做西班牙海鮮大會 Zarzuela,用以龍蝦、青口或蛤、魚 John dory (quene de lotte)、蝦、魷魚,Cognac, Paprika、杏仁等海鮮烹調!

龍蝦尾 、蝦 是 Frozen food, 上次用淨,只在嘉樂福買魚、魷魚、青口!

西班牙海鮮大會 Zarzuela (4 portions)

龍蝦 hommard                   1

青口或蛤                     16 pcs

去皮John dory (quene de lotte)    1 

crevettes                     8 pcs

魷魚 Calamars                160 g


洋蔥                         1 pc

蕃茄肉Concasisse(罐頭)                 300 g


Paprika、辣椒piment Bay leaf

杏仁 (ground)

Parsley、蒜頭 2 pcs

fish stock (Fumet de poisson)          1 cup

P.S 海鮮可隨個人口味而定可加帶子

蝦頭蝦殼用來做Fish stock如用雪藏或龍蝦先用滾水燙熟。

(Fish stoc先用炒Celery, Carrot 再加水、蝦頭蝦殼)

蕃茄Tomato Pelee or Concasisse





5.用炸完海鮮的油洋蔥、蒜頭三分鐘加入cognac再點火 flamber,息火後加入蕃茄、Bay leaf, Paprika,辣椒piment , fish stock猛火滾。

6. 滾後收細,加入青口或蛤蓋烹煮三數分鍾把沒有張開的青口或蛤拋棄

7. 再把魚、魷魚、龍蝦、蝦放入可加熱瓷碟,加入杏仁、蒜蓉汁與青口或蛤淋上海鮮中便可上檯。

April 27

食淨左個湯魚、魷魚, 今晚整 Baked spaghetti with tin foil 清理埋!

2008年4月12日 星期六


以前見到家裡意大利食譜,  只有站在一旁, 一行十個生字的意大利食譜, 都係由意國大廚操刀, 同泰狄熊在家一起煮飯仔!

present , 於是水晶晶迫著好認真的去了解食譜,什麼切碎、切片、攪混、
慢火、打蛋 easy job,不再是水晶晶的惡夢!學懂了幾個殺手間生字,

大家有沒有發現,學語文除了可以同人溝通外,另一好處是可找尋不同食譜,但最基本的語文很多時不會教煮菜的生字,要看懂法文或意大利食譜非要對症下藥,找尋所有動詞生字,這些生字如 magic words ,學懂了便可以開飯,通通不再是難題,不用理會是男、是女或是中性!





法國人叫它作 fish Caviar我們以前九月尾十月在留尼旺也吃過! 意大利人也是加蛋汁、麵粉與parsley 煎香,不同是他們加入芝士 Parmesan Cheese! 那次意文堂水晶晶便是 present 這 menu!



在熱那亞逢星期五有 stoccafisso ! 今次我們自己在家古法泡製!
Stoccafisso accomodato


Carrot, Celery, Onion ,             各一切碎

Cod Fish (salted)                      300 g

黑橄欖 ( stone)               30 g

蕃茄 (matured 去皮)           3 pcs

薯仔                     2 pcs

Capers (去除鹽份切碎)         2 spoons

Parlsey (切碎)

白酒                     1 glass

1.    Cod fish 用水滾十分鐘去除鹽份,然後去骨,去皮。

2.    用三匙油把Carrot, Celery, Onion  炒至金黃色。

3.    加入Capers、已去stone 黑橄欖 ,煮二十分鍾

4.     加入去骨Cod fish炒香,加入黑胡椒二十分鍾。

5.    加入去皮蕃茄於 cod fish ,慢慢加入白慢火煮一小時。

6.    加入切片薯仔慢火煮一小時,太乾可加水。

2008年4月11日 星期五

上火山le Volcan 1

又回到二年前火山島留尼旺! Mar 19, 2006


The red cirlcle is where the volcanos is situated

Photos from Web geocities 第一次上火山去 !!Le Volcano -Piton de la Fournaise


一路上太陽伯伯也謹貼我們,看來第一次上火山應該不曾空手而回吧!高原上的植物由如亞爾卑斯山,有很多青蔥的松樹也有草原,一點也不像在熱帶小島!?? 聽說松樹是多年前由日本移植以防泥土風化 soil erosion,島上根本沒有松樹這科植物! 我倆到還見到有運動健兒踏單車上千多公尺的火山,汽車上山也覺吃力,真是勇氣可加!

One sunday morning,  after spending some time on the lagoon.  Teddy said, tesoro !! let's go to the Volcano!!" It was a sunny day when we left from the west coast in mid march. It was at autumn in southern hemisphere.   The heat was not so intense and stuffy but it was still more than 30 C on the coast.  

On the way acrossing the Plain, We saw many people pedalling up the  mountain, what a great courage !! on  the way we saw many Alpine trees and pasture for raising cows and sheeps. Oh !! look at the landscape, all green green, green, like the Alps . There is an area with pine trees too, in an tropical Island . Later,  I was told  a local guide , those pine trees came from Japan . This time, we can see the paysage.

就在這時開始有一朵黑雲在頭上,未幾更下起雨來,唉天有不測之風雲!可憐健兒們也成了落湯雞,我倆愛莫能助!既然已上了山,餘下十公里不夠,沒理由空手而回,於是邊下雨邊繼續前進,未幾聽見balap ! balap! 聲由車頂上傳來,不好了是冰溥,地上還有點雪霜,可想氣溫有多冷,我們只穿了沙灘裝!

莫非上天真的要考驗我們? 要我們三顧火山! Teddy said his "Personal cloud is always coming with him".  After a while, it started raining heavily. I was thinking about the althelets on the ride !!  

All  of a sudden, there was a mist moving very fast and soon we saw black clouds moving towards us.  Teddy said his "Personal cloud is always coming with him".  After a while, it started raining heavily. I was thinking about the athletes on the ride !!  

Since we were already there and we wouldn't like to give up and of all the way back without seeing anything, so we kept on moving.  The more we went up and the worst it was, I heard hails falling on the roof of our car. When we reached the summit, snow mixed with  rain dropping on our windshield.  It was damn cold and we only have our beach wear !! 

未幾終於看到斜坡下的地方的泥土有點奇怪,但看地圖及那裡的旅遊指示牌,還未到達火山啊!這裡是Pas de Bellecomb,但煙霧迷漫能見度只有伸手幾米,遠看好一個月球 feel

 深啡色的沙石泥土間中有點紅紅的,又有點像溶岩,雖然下著雨唯有一手拿雨傘一手拍照,我們決定到下邊實地感覺一下像到了火星的感覺,真的還以為自已在星球大戰的電影內, 哈哈!以前星球大戰的電影是否在這裡景呢?

We arrived at Plaines des Sables, it is a place  like "the surface on the moon". 好月球 feel. I feel like I was in the movie of Star war. Perhaps it was shot here. . Finally, the rain stop and we arrived Pas de Bellecomb, yet it was  misty and foggy, we cant  see too far away.

these two pics were ticken on our second visit

that's why there was a clear sky!


Col de Bellecombe 03.jpg


As it was about 10 degrees and i was shivering!! The pic below is what we saw the first time, this house is a kiosk and we bought some hot chocolate there. !!, We tried to walk towards the entrance of the park, but I can't see anything !!  where is the Volcano !! 

上天真的要考驗我們!! We have to come back here again.

After that some friends told us that we have to go to the volcano very early otherhwise you can't see anything.

2008年4月10日 星期四

印度神打 ?Indian New Year (更新自拍video)


那年復活節的long weekend (Apr 16- 17 ) 我與泰狄熊作了環島之旅, 小島面稿積細小,駕車三、五小時己可走完,我倆想到南部的沙灘 Grand Anse 走走而沿海風景也十分吸引,又聽說南部曾有公路數次被火山溶岩流過的,也有溶岩從海岸噴出等自然形成的奇特觀景,東部有些美麗瀑布!

Valley near St Pierre in south!

Grand Anse Beach in the south!

Cascade Langevin @ St Joseph

Lava was cutting across the route a couple of times in the past ten years during Volcanic Eruptios. Stones signs were placed to mark the incidents,1986, ,1976, 1943, 2001, Jan 2002, nov-dec 2002, 1998, 1961, 1931, recently 2007...


this pc from http://www.flickr.com/

那星期剛巧是印度泰米爾族的慶祝新,約四月十五日黃昏我們於 St Paul 看到了一些印度泰米爾族的民化活動,舞蹈、雜技、武火球等,後來18在南部 St Andre St Rose所以看到新年遊行打鑼打鼓,儀式從三時至旁晚六時,他們帶著聖像、香火遊行,其中一隻面像小象的,女士們頭頂著載滿鮮花滕籃子,包括蓮花、蘭花、南瓜、合手瓜、果子(花生)、白米等供奉神靈,也有女士們頭頂著火盤!


St Rose 看到類似神打般的儀式(video後補),三十多名口中念念有詞的男士赤腳走火炭;相傳是泰米爾族的成年男士新年期間的宗教儀式,目的是為了表示身體與靈塊的潔淨,以等待新年的來臨,有些未夠道行的好像感到焯熱大步走過,還有一名故意向後退!他們真的感受不到火炭的焯熱!真系眼界大開!

有些男士他們把 六、七隻 hooks 往背上穿,真的六、七隻   吊到背上,不一會見到有些人用長叉往嘴唇上插,向橫穿過面珠,口中念念有詞,還是若無其事般走路,我站在旁毛管也向上豈,打冷震!最最最要命是那個成身 hook的人就在我前面行過我卦住研究是否真的 "au"在皮膚上,有沒有血等,忙記映相!




April 28

Hindu religious is full of plant ith symbolic meaning.

蓮花是宇宙萬物旦生的根源,Brahmal 蓮花的花辮去做山、山谷、河流。

Lotus is consider to be the birthplace of Universe, Brahmal was born in the lotus plant, he received the world and converted the petals into hills, valley, Rivers.


Coconut is the symbol of purity.

Basil is a divine herb, sacrified to Vishma whose relatives cure sterility.


The Fangipani is the symbol of immortal, it is the resting place of the soul.


Part II

Part III


Very artistic temple!

 can see that they are devoted to their religious!

Three colours around the pagodas of Reunion

The Red, sacred to Koli, is symbolized by the flowers of the pagodas.

The white, sacred to Maryammd, is symbolized by the frangipani.

The yellow sacred to Panchali  is sacred by African Marigold, or by the Dawf poincians

From Wikapiedi

Puthandu, (Tamil) also known as Varusha pirappu, is celebrated as New Year's Day in Tamil Nadu. It is celebrated on the first day of the Tamil month Chithirai, which falls on the 13th or 14th of April.

 Women draw patterns called kolams. A lamp called a kuttuvilaku is placed on the center of the kolam, to eradicate darkness. A ritual called kanni takes place. Kanni means 'auspicious sight'. People watch jewellery, fruits, vegetables, flowers, nuts, rice etc., as it is a belief among Tamil people that it brings prosperity. People wear new clothes and special dishes are prepared for the occasion.

2008年4月8日 星期二

千簡萬簡Lago di Garda 前傳 1

意大利有一個出名的湖區在米蘭市上方Lago Maggiore, Lago Como, Lago Como 因地利近米蘭市,吸引了不少日本、美國遊客,秋天淡季住 三星酒店也要百多元,在網上找住宿時卻發現Lago Como 的郊外民宿 Agriturismo十分昂貴, 動不動要 500 Euros - 600 Euros 一週!

Agriturismo一種類似 Bed & breafast Farm House 假期混合,可短期間租用有廚房設備的房子, 大多意大利家庭採用的悠閒方式,但通常不在市中心,但環境優美。

自從George Clooney Ocean Seven Lago Como買了湖邊別墅後,Lago Como更加熱烘烘,連意大利人也爭住去, 無法George 是頭號偶像, 該死的明星效應!只一個湖邊 apartment,用不著咁豪 ,與泰狄熊一貫共識是價錢合理偏向經濟環境優美清潔齊整況且我們一定會到處跑, 不會躲起來!

說老實,500 Euros out of budget我們只想找個風景優美地方,然後輕輕鬆鬆走一走,relax!因朋友極力推薦春天去Lago Maggiore 於是試試Lago Maggiore其它湖區,卻意外見到這地方的民宿有promotion 唔使三百元Lago Garda 也是湖,一於 Take it !

Lake Garda 為於 Brescia , Verona之間,離米蘭市100 km,

威尼斯130 m,有時真的不明香港的旅行團老是七天九國,



Lago Maggiore, Lago Lucano,其實有二三成人不愛走馬看花,

最怕天天坐三、四小時車!如能集中一兩個城市如 : Milan

(shopping) , Lake Garda (風景),Verona (古遺址) ,

已夠一星期至九天!由米蘭去、威尼斯可以停 Lake Garda


別忘記我們要減肥!要是上餐廳一定忍不住,又要 pasta 又要

main course!

這裡盛產露筍,亞之竹我們每晚弄 Risotto


夜裡沒有 internet 便一起看電視,看書,真正二人世界的機會,



                               Automatic Vending machine for fresh milk!


Lago di Garda 來頭不小,是意大利最大湖

面積大約155 平方公里,

是由冰川形成,湖水由 Sarca 河流入,水深346 M


北面屬 Trentino省,西面屬Lomdardy 省,東面屬Veneto


海拔65km,面積370 平方公里

長51.6 km上窄下闊,最闊 17.5 km,

南邊低廣平原,北邊鋒迴路轉像fjord 有無數肖壁!


北面有 Dolomites 做天然屏帳氣侯溫和

(Mission impossble 及成龍曾於這雪山拍警察的故事)





Winston churchchill 也響往的湖邊生活,



 Mussolini 於南岸的 Salo 成立壇花一現的政府!



info for Lake Garda

