2010年2月26日 星期五


烏雅近日又發病,留言也經常在處理中’, 提不起勁寫網誌,  

而且不愛廢話連編, 沒有什麼事公報, 不寫也罷 , 幸好水晶晶有事忙,

  嘉年華也年年去, 今年勁凍,  還是留在家攪攪新就意思吧!

近日真忙碌, 這兩星期廢寢忘餐地不停工作, 除了上網找資料,

便是追看冬季奧, 由早到晚, 先是早前高坡滑雪, 不看速度,

只看刃鑽的場地, 嘩!嘩嘩! 垂直斜坡, 高難度,又刺激 !   

還要在藍線內滑行, 就算不計時, 想想怎滑下去????

Ski de Fond, Biathlon, 百看不厭, 近乎神乎奇技的花式溜冰賽,


近日真忙碌, 做點正經事, 每一天的時間也過得很快吧 !

以前常覺應節年榚是老套兼落伍, 上年紀的老人家才會弄年榚,

我是新派人嗎 !  不愛做只偶然吃點應節便可,

上年看到由美女厨神Lili Marleen主理的椰汁年榚,

  !好想吃, 在歐洲可以做到,有心就事成, 好捧 !!

過年前美國的姐姐告訴我, 今年做了椰汁年榚應節,

每年都會整少少來應下節,  特然覺得好想吃,真的很久沒吃過,

她說自己做一點也不難, 最重要是糯米粉,及尖米粉,  粟米粉加澄麵,

可是澄麵這邊可找不到, 還是在港吃點,死心吧 !

在港時本想再點菜, 奈何水晶媽血壓嚴重超標已吃過蘿蔔糕不敢再點菜

...差點想買一底回來,  今年又見Little Paris也自己來, 獻出第一次的年糕,  

所以今年也擔粗粗, 家裡有糯米粉及尖米粉, 年初二便上網找食譜整,
沒澄麵, 也好彩成功! 不過有人話很似食橡根 !

這星期拿到到新居鎖匙, 先檢查所有廚房用具, 看看是可操作正常,

抽油湮機沒燈沒電,  莫非有暗格 ?? 所以快快搵上手問個明白,

 ! 男的說壞掉了所以不動 ? 為什麼東西壞掉上手不更換 ?

又唔通知呀 ! 是留下來裝假狗嗎 ?  

好似烏雅,  特操作不正常, 又唔出聲, 洒人地時間 !

昨天開始清潔, 看來睡房要執執, 重新油漆, 油咩色好?

2010年2月20日 星期六

迷失在熱帶雨林Lost in Tropical Forest






基本上除了小島西岸的平地及沿岸珊瑚礁及海灘, 百份之九+熱帶雨林,

如果要体驗 Lost 的熱帶雨林生活, 不防來這裡遠足, 島上有三條路線可串連,

 每條路線須約一星期才完成,要行足七天七夜沒問題啊! 最怕你不願行,

所以Rambo 家鄉 。

三條可串連路線包括Salazie, Cilaos, Mafate,

Mafate, 是三條路線最原始, 沒有完全開發, 提供豐富的天然資源,

最少人到, 除了各下一雙鐵腳, 沒友交通工具到達, 是遠足者的天堂,

沿途有不少珍禽異獸,花草樹木, 隨著高度及氣候變化,  

Mafate cirque




屈公熱病Chikungunya 會令人全身疼痛和發熱,病徵可以持續數個月,嚴重者會死亡。有「痛得將身體彎起來(背部傴僂)」之意。

 患病者徵狀和登革熱    十分相似,傳播媒介都是埃及    斑蚊和白紋依蚊,但是屈公熱會出現嚴重的關節痛症狀。病人會持續數周感疲倦,有發燒、起疹、頭痛、惡心、肌肉痛等症狀,關節痛持續數周至數月,嚴重者會影響工作。有些個案關節會痛得無法走動。

I did not go out in the first two months as there were a deadly virius 屈公熱 Chikungunya  spreading by mosquitos on the island. So far more than 200 people died in the past two months,  it was dangerous adn risky  to go around especially in places like forest and near rivers.

As the temperautre was dropping in may (it was almost winter in the Indian Ocean ),  the risks of explosing to mosquitos were getting lower. I decided to join a hiking tour (Randonee) with a guide in a tropical forest. 

後來, 在熱帶雨林內遠生, 走出我的第一次!!

One week day morning, I left for my adventure with all the precautions,  putting on long sleeves t- shirt and spraying as much as  mosquitoes repellent from top to bottom. My guide picked me up from my hotel and then we met three other tourists. There were four of us, one french young man and two other French women. I was the only asian who do not speak fluent french. 



We made a brief stop in front of a gites/Bed & breakfast place as there was a wonderful view from this place towards  the opposite valley. (see above). Then c we started my first adventure. The guide showed us a lot of plants which were typical in the tropicals. His explainations was all in French as unxpected so I could  understand  about  40 %. But I still have a lot of fun, at that moment,  I was following  a popular American TV series "Lost"5 days a week in the hotel room, so it becomes more exciting when  I explore the forest!!

It was some bushes with low growing plants and we were matching in muddy road, a bit slippery. It was still fine at the beginning, after a while, we came to a soft muddy track, water ponds and  then soft muddy tracks again....for about 40 mins. It was raining the day before, so the soil has abosrbed a lot of rain. We followed the guide to look for a better spot. Sometimes, we have to put a piece of stone on the 瀾泥beng and water ponds.

I was slowing down as it was not easy for a city person like me. Luckily, I was wearing my hiking boots as some of the ponds are quite deep. Muddy water is coming up to the ankle. Sometines, we have to climb across some plants inorder to avoid the ponds. Without the boots, I can't imagine what will happen. For sure , I would have given up when I came here alone. I would not have walked on the muddy track like...."瀾泥beng".

The guide told us a few times to walk as fast as possible  or otherwise we might not be able to see that place. After about two and a half hour walk in the forest, we came to a place like a balcony. from it it give a "Wonderful"  view,   I found a 400 m water fall pouring our rapidly into the valley. It was really a spectacle. I take turns to take picture from the edge as it is really small



Then a few miniutes after I took the picture and video, there was a thick fog arriving to the valley. Within minutes, the waterfall was block, nothing could be seen. Those persons who arrived after us were very disappointed !!   

 It was a pity after spending so much efforts in hiking, having all the mud and soil on their boots, on their pants. They could not see the waterfall. 

I'm still glad that I have put it on the hands of a right person. Without the professional guide, we would not have arrived in time to see this spectacle. Pascal ! Merci beaucoup!!

By the way, if we want to get back to the car , there was still another two and a half hours to walk!! That night, my feet was so sore and I can not go anywhere the next day.!!

2010年2月18日 星期四


寒冷的天氣, 這兩天又再來侵, 全法國及意大利半島也不停下雪,

心也冷下來, 幸好中央暖氣靠得住, 否則要穿上毛衣吧!


放眼望去盡是藍天碧海, 翠綠的山谷,


每年這時候那裡的活火山也活躍起來, 再看到火山內熱烘烘的岩漿及

海灘上的珊瑚礁湛藍的印度洋 , 冷冷的心立刻溫暖起來,

想起那兒青擰的香味, 幸而這邊有兩家吃留尼旺菜的餐廳,


由於人口由客家人、印度人及非洲人結合, 飲食文化也是印度化,

用上大量香了料, 她們叫這些咖喱Carri (Carry),  Massalé,

火山島盛產蕃紅花 Saffron, Saffron 是 常用於料理,

再加上 洋、蔥彊, 由南美洲傳入的蕃茄及其它香料,

也有不同成份香料的印度Massalé 。

當地人吃飯好簡單, 是飯和豆類為主, , 無論主菜是雞, 豬, 魚, 蝦,

腸 Roughail saucisses, 煙肉排Ti Jacque 等, 必定伴飯吃, 及一碗豆類,

Lentil , 紅腰豆之類的豆Red Bean 等和一些沙律(菜)。

這兒多印度教徒,  餐廳很少牛肉, 要吃牛扒便要自家弄或移玉步到法式餐廳。

這些Creole 咖喱, 本身不太辣, 吃時必定伴飯及再加三小碟Roughail

當地人餐桌上必有的三小碟 pepper Roughail , Archard, 

tomato Roughail , 一種當地秘製 spicy relish , side dish, 

 全是辣椒製成, Kimchi 一樣功能!

如是正宗必定辣到出煙,  內有洋蔥, 蕃茄, 辣椒油等等。

另一伴菜Achard, 一種當地秘由白椰菜, 紫椰菜、紅蘿蔔切絲, 混合辣油,
下圖黃色小碟是芒果醬 Roughail Mangue (relice ) 不要以為生果便是甜不辣,

相反卻是辣到出煙, 辣到跳舞。
同印度咖哩飯的黃色芒果醬Mango Chutney同出一拙,  

頭盆炸魚丸,   內裡也混合了紅辣椒,

雜錦湃併盤有炸蝦, 炸丸子, 釀Crabe Farci, Boudin Creole 血腸,

Samosa, Bonbon piments, Achard du legumes,

Roughail Morue, 泰狄熊最愛, cod fish!

Cari de Langouste with ginger mangue

Combava or  The Kaffir lime is a citrus fruit 比青檸醜樣


據說來自印尼,有一種獨有香味, 味道以檸檬葉, 



this is a lime which found in Reunion Island, it looks owesome..

Carri Langouste with Ginger and Mangue

coconut pudding,

好掛住Gateau Patate douce, 蕃薯 tarte

2010年2月10日 星期三

鬼佬有咩魚好食呀 3 北歐式魚湯 -

珍寶魚Turbot (Rombo)

水晶晶這邊的法國朋友愛吃身肉質較實的大魚, 如劍魚,

吞拿魚, 本地市場上大多切片售, 烹熟火路要控制剛剛好,

才不至入口較'鞋', 中國人吃魚要肉質滑滑, 與鬼佬相返,

泰狄堡熊跟得水晶晶多, 兩者佳欣賞,


如我們常吃的各款鱈魚, 少骨的原條魚有這款代表珍寶魚

Turbot , 近其大量在超市出現, 全是約一公斤,

來自西班牙魚場, 約12 歐 一公斤, 好抵食!


珍寶魚Turbot, 1 kg, 也可用其它魚
紅蘿蔔carrot    1 kg
蘿蔔turnips     1/4
洋蔥Onion      1
大蒜Leek        1
蛋黃eggs yolk, 3
忌廉creme liquid
丹桂葉laurier , Bay leave
白酒white wine  1/4 litre
檸檬汁Lemon      1 coffee spoon
aneth- dill

1 先把魚洗淨去皮去骨待用, 魚柳切小塊remove the skin and bones,

2 清洗蔬菜再切小方塊clean the carrot, turnips, onion, leek,

3 把一半蔬菜做湯底, 用油炒香,再放魚骨, 魚頭肴湯,

   Put half of the vegetables into a casserole , then add the bones and fish head,

   coriander,   1 litre add boiling water,

4 再把魚骨隔淨, 留湯底加熱再放入餘下蔬菜, 煲滾。

5 加入切小塊魚柳, 檸檬汁, 待熟再加入忌廉攪拌, 煲滾息火後再加蛋王。