Recap of May 15, 2005
Delos是在Mykonos傍邊的小島,是考古學家必到朝聖之地,雖然又是爛石頭一堆,但好有江湖地位;爛船也有三分釘,有些 mosiac及石像還是保好好。
Delos is one of the most important archaeological sites in Greece and is now an open-air archaeological museum with mosaics and marble ruins
如果你是在Mykonos住,千萬別錯過到這裡走走,可以向左走或向右走,我們是返方向走的。 在Mykonos及Naxos有船或guided tour可到此島,Mykonos 漁夫碼頭邊的大堤岸 (有小教堂側) 有街島往Delos,最好選擇些大船因風浪幾大!
這島是Open Museum 要即日來回,無酒店、無餐飲,要自己帶備乾糧、水 或食胞才 上船, 但小心唔好大胞呀! , 那裡 賣既支裝水好貴嫁,否則…. 走時記得帶埋D垃圾走!
記得最後班船是 三時半,夏天可能系到四點半、五點 ,最好落船前問清楚船家, 否則自吾,要露宿荒郊野外。
Guided tour 太貴了,我們只選擇買了本Delos書,還可以幾年後拿來回味! 而家寫綱誌有用la! 吾左抄右抄,邊知0甘多野呀!
There are no accomodations on Delos - it is strictly a day visit from Mykonos, and while the island is "technically" opened in the early morning, by boat frequenting from Mykonos and Naxos . There is no official way of getting to it until the first boats arrive. Except for archeologists, most of whom leave the island in winter, it remains a quiet refuge. Even the masses of tourists in the summer are swallowed up by the immensity of the site..
Different types of boats leave from the fishing harbour at the long dyke and Little Venezia. For your own safety, bigger ones will tend to be a smoother ride due to the rough sea. Be sure to visit the small chapel dedicated to the safety of those who travel at sea before boading.
The winds on Delos are strong, and the island lacks much in the way of tourist snacks -bring your own water. The gift shop offers some unique Delos-themed items which this souvenir junkie discovered really aren't available anywhere else in Greece.
講古你聽 :
古希臘、古羅馬時代是禁止在島上生育或葬儀,要死都要行遠D 過隔離 Mykonos, Naxos 呀,我吾知點解架!D書系0甘寫; 可能同這裡是神聖之地有關吧!
相傳這裡是是雙生兒 Artemis 及阿波羅在出生地的,他們的媽媽 Leto生了他們的時侯掛在一棵棕櫚樹上。都話系神話咯!吾好博古!!
According to the legend, millenia ago , it was declared illegal for anyone to be born or die on the island, said to be the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis. Their mother, Leto, gave birth to the twins while clinging to a palm tree, a symbol of now-nearly-treeless Delos
公元1000BC愛亞尼亞人來到這島,他們不只祟拜阿波羅,還開展了每年一度的Delia 節慶,包括競技遊戲、音樂演奏各項活動。公元700 BC, Delos成為了一個 宗教中心, 是第一個有希臘人來朝聖 之地,後來發展為一個繁榮的商港。
講你都吾信呀!呢度重系古希臘時代,在愛琴海的各小島中,銀行業首屈一指的大哥大,哦!原來剎那光輝吾系永恆!小心呀香港。D銀行家同D商人個個都湧黎阿波羅神殿朝聖。重有系 Delian Confederaton 的 中心。
House of Masks
Contain a 2 nd century BC Mosaic of Dionysos riding a Panther, god of theatre .
In about 1000 BC, the Ionian arrived at Delos , bringing the worship of Apollon and the annual Delia festival was founded. Games and music were played in his honour.
By 700 BC, Delos was a major religious centre, was first a place of Pilgrimage in the 3rd and 2nd centuries, later become a busy commercial port particularly.
In its glory, the Archeological Island of Delos was the banking center of the Aegean , crammed with merchants alongside the abundant temples. It was the heart of the Delian Confederation, and is the hub island around which the circling Cyclades are named.
House of Dolphins
Contains a mosaic of two dolphins with an elaborate Greek key design and waved borders , 2 nd Century BC
Lion Terrace
Nine lions were set up along the terrace to overlook and protect the Sacred Lake . They were carved from the Marbles from Naxos in the 7th century BC. Now only five Lions left instead of nine
回覆刪除我記得 Delos 好大風, 島上面既博物館都好正架.
回覆刪除你寫得很好,很多謝你的分享。 又有風景,又有歷史介紹。話時話,希臘保存古蹟係有一手!
回覆刪除睇你個blog 你都真係去過好多地方 好羨慕 點解你可以成日周圍去既呢??
回覆刪除連看幾篇你的希臘介紹,突然有份衝動好想即刻飛去 .......... 唉,有慾望而不能付之實施,真係好好好痛苦呀 !我對希臘的向往巳久矣,雖至今仍未去過,但我一定會、一定要、一定想 ..... 在我人生中實現這個夢想!多謝你好詳細介紹 !你的所有網誌是我的 guide book !
回覆刪除俾我會手多多 執舊爛石頭留念
回覆刪除我重系摩索階段,怕悶親人!! base on my experience 加書D料,我鍾意尋根問底,mud 都lam一餐,但 香港人吾多鍾意聽長古!我又吾城寫散文、作詩!
金豬寶寶 有志者事竟成!dream come true ! 叫你公司攪D fam tour 米齊齊去law !! Pumpkin 南瓜妹 我以前吾去 Karaoke !呀! D 人工除左比少少屋企,其餘靜系團用黎去0下旅行及潛水! 衣家老公成日去公幹,一去三、五、七星期,所以會呢度住0下,果度住0下。有時系Douttrack 地方如 Reunion...Brazil..southampton, Dubai... Earthy , Give me five !! 我地D taste 差不多喝喎!! 巴黎旅客 多到冇可能去sai, 只挑選D出名及重要既! 重要時不時又掘到多d出來!連奧運起地鐵時,又掘到要今年開多個Acropolis museum! ! Little Paris , 熱誠 系呀!!上次六點幾,個天已經暗sai, 我地仲系Marathon, 就撞斜咯! 吾系呀嗎?下次去米連D石頭都冇有睇?
銀仔 the govt also offer a lot of beefit for greeks, Like almost free mediccal at local hospital...better than in Hong Kong. Whiles Hong Kong put a lot of resources in building the cities and ignore the needs of the citizens.(小市民 ) To visit achaeologial site on sunday is free !!