2008年8月28日 星期四

Maroccain Tajine


摩洛哥人Couscous健康烹調法, tajine or tagine (中文叫塔津) ,

典型的tajine 鍋是圓錐形 陶鍋,若干陶鍋上光,
陶鍋分兩個部分, 底部圓形盤子, 圓錐形頂部,

圓錐形蓋子概念, 水蒸汽會升到最上層的蓋子 凝聚冷卻下來。 

we bought this plate at Tunis

The traditional tajine pot is formed entirely of a heavy clay which is sometimes painted or glazed. It consists of two parts; a base unit which is flat and circular with low sides, and a large cone or dome-shaped cover that rests inside the base during cooking. The cover is so designed to promote the return of all condensation to the bottom. With the cover removed, the base can be taken to the table for serving

菜餚, 肉加入一些水果和蔬菜一起度煨燉的食物,
他們是不食豬肉, 所以多數會用羊肉(小腿, ), 雞肉和牛肉煮的。

水果(蘋果,prunes梅乾, ,黃杏, dates, 洋梨, 檸檬, 堅果)

蔬菜zuchini(courgettes), 胡蘿蔔, 茴香, 蘿蔔, , 椰菜, 橄欖

肉桂皮粉, 番紅花, , 薑黃根的粉, 小茴香,  紅辣椒, 辣椒, Ras el hanout,
Maroccan tajines often combine lamb or chicken with a medley of ingredients or seasonings: olives, quinces, apples, pears, apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, nuts, with fresh or preserved lemons, with or without honey, with or without a complexity of spices. Traditional spices that are used to flavour tajines include ground cinnamon, saffron, ginger, turmeric, cumin, paprika, pepper, as well as the famous spice blend Ras el hanout.

Other ingredients for a tajine include any product that braises well: fish, quail, pigeon, beef, root vegetables, legumes, even amber and aga wood. Modern recipes in the West include pot roasts, ossobuco, lamb shanks and turkey legs. Seasonings can be traditional Moroccan spices, French, Italian or suited to the dish.

While simmering, the cover can be lifted off without the aid of a mitten, enabling the cook to inspect the main ingredients, add vegetables, move things around, or add additional braising liquid.

Most tagines involve slow simmering of less-expensive meats. For example, the ideal cuts of lamb are the neck, shoulder or shank cooked until it is falling off the bone. Very few Moroccan tagines require initial browning; if there is to be browning it is invariably done after the lamb has been simmered and the flesh has become butter-tender and very moist. In order to accomplish this, the cooking liquid must contain some fat, which may be skimmed off later.

No matter what the month, there is a tree somewhere in Morocco bearing fruit for the tajine pot. The combinations may seem unlikely at times, but I guarantee you will find them delicious: lamb with olives, quinces, apples, pears, raisins, prunes, dates, with or without honey, with or without a complexity of spices.

In the fall, use greening or wine sap apples. In the summer, try fresh apricots, or the type of hard, fuzzy, green crab apples called, in Morocco, lehmenn. In winter, I recommend  the heavy and rich tagines made with prunes or dates, and, anytime of the year, lemon and olives.



法國市面賣的 Couscous , 只需用滾水或滾湯注入Couscous再焗10分鐘左右就像飯一樣了。

Tajines a l’Agneau with Safran (4 persons)

couscous (小米 每人50 g 80ml)

  Lamb                            1.5 kg   ,
洋蔥  onion                             2 ,
茴香fennel                       6
番紅花 Safran                  1 small pinch
Coriander                         1 branch
檸檬Lemon juice       5

蒜頭     garlic                          3 segment
薑黃根粉 Cumins               1 coffee sp
牛油 or橄欖油 50 g

Tajines with Lam b & halwel nuts


Tajines with  peach

  Lamb                            1.5 kg  
peach                                   2 ,
紅蘿蔔carrot                          2
洋蔥  onion                            2 ,
蒜頭  garlic                             2 segment
檸檬Lemon juice       1
杏仁Almonds                        15 g
蜂蜜  Honey                      2  soup sp
橄欖油                                    2  soup sp
番紅花 Safran                   1 small pinch
肉桂皮粉Cinnimon              1 small pinch
Muscade                                 1 small pinch
Coriander graines                                      1 branch


Couscous小米                500g
Water                          500ml
Oil                               50ml


1        燒一鍋水或雞湯,並加入少量油。
2        把小米放入烤盤內。
3        把煲滾的水或雞湯倒入烤盤內。
4.       用數層保鮮膜把烤盤蓋好。
5.      小米會吸收水份並在約2分鐘內發脹。
6        可拌入牛油、香草、raisins、肉類、魚或蔬菜。
7        攪拌至無粒粒。


咖喱粉 Cu1/2 sp,
Fresh Coriander


Couscous小米                500g
Water                          500ml
Oil                               50ml


1        燒一鍋水或雞湯,並加入少量油。
2        把小米放入烤盤內。
3        把煲滾的水或雞湯倒入烤盤內。
4.       用數層保鮮膜把烤盤蓋好。
5.      小米會吸收水份並在約2分鐘內發脹。
6        可拌入牛油、香草、raisins、肉類、魚或蔬菜。
7        攪拌至無粒粒。