2007年3月5日 星期一

希臘古蹟篇 1 - Cape Sounio

Cape Sounio

沿著愛琴海向南下,風景怡人, 走到盡頭便是這座神殿。


對2004 年雅典奧林匹克運動會的宣傳片!!

If you have notices in the last Oylmpic games in Athen 2004, an advertisement with a temple at the edge of a cliff on a peninsular. The helicopter was pending it from the air and tourists were walking around the site. The temple is perched 60 m above sea level. This is the one, Temple of Posiedon !!

神廟是建築在 Cape Sounion一座險俊垂直式懸崖上, 懸崖之下面臨愛琴海,

This is a Doric Style Temple, the most simple style of construction in olden days.
If someone says he lives in a Doric style of life, it means he lives in a simple life style.

The temple of Poseidon is built on a site set back from sheer cliffs tumbling into the Agean sea at Cape Sounion , it was ideally located for worship of the powerful god of the sea. Its brilliant white marble columns have been a landmark for ancients and modern mariners.

現在見到的神廟是於公元前444年建成,在舊廢墟上再重新建做,因日久失修現已殘破不全,到處敗瓦,也正好印証希臘神話中 Lapith 與人頭馬大戰, 還有相傳 Poseidon 的兒子 Theseus的英雄歷險記。 據本地導遊提供的資料,因風雨侵蝕的速度太厲,害希臘政府的文化發展部已不再安排修建這座神廟,不知十年後再回來,還有多少條石柱核立不倒,真是可惜!

The Present temple built in 444BC, stands on the site of older ruins, an old temple of the Archaid period.  It is very eroded but is known to have depicted scenes from the mythological battle of the Lapiths and centaur and also the adventures of the hero Theseus who was thought to be the son of poseidon according to some legends. According to the local guide, the Greek Cultural Department is not going to take action in restoring this site anymore.



Local marble taken from quarries at nearby town Agrileza, was used for the building of temple. Total there were 34 slender Doric columns, only 15 survive today. The temple also possesses a unique feature which helps combat the effects of sea spray erosion, the columns were cut with only 16 flutings instead of the usual 20, thus reducing  the surface area  exposed to the elements The height of the column is about 6.10 m with a diameter of about 1m at the base.

Sunset near  Thimari,  
picture taken while we were having dinner at a seaside restaurant at Varkiza.
 It is a wide Bay filled with wind surfers.

Here is our dinner , Grilled Calamari (Squid)

Fried Bacala/Cod


drank by the greeks from the next tables

