一年之計在於春, 二,三月陽光下的藯南海岸, 為大地穿上暖衣,
漫長冬天終於慢慢地溜走, 二, 三月陽光下的藯南海岸遊人不絕,
大家紛紛出動到海灘活動, 希望不會再有核污染, 核塵手尾長,
空氣, 泥土, 海洋同樣重要,烏克蘭的核災無聲無息, 仍未完
意粉人近年常患甲狀腺癌, 即埋即埋十年八載才出事,
核子塵禍害百年, 好運的我們沒發病, 卻留給新世代,
要珍惜現在美好沒污染的陽光空氣, 泥土, 海洋呀!
好有可能日後, 地球受核子塵污染, 人類要建海底城堡。
二月中那天我們仍穿厚毛像衣, 人們已到海灘活動 (約+四五度)
那邊廂(對 Couple 穿厚衫左上邊) , 另一邊穿潛水衣, 小孩短褲, 有趣呀!
街口棵果樹! 不知是否車尼子???
三月的Cagnes sur mer約+八度 , 二公里長海岸長堤, 是玩 roller Skate 的熱點
海灘上兩婆孫作樂, 小bb 女坐在和暖的石春上
Cagnes sur Mer 的小帆船周末也來湊熱鬧,
另一邊 Cap D'Antibes , 再次回傷心地, 今次有至愛海歐
這兒是傳說中的 Millionaire Bay , 這兒大宅幾十畝,
前幾天來個大清洗, 洗衣曬衣晒靴, 收埋冬天毛衣, 抹下塵, 再清洗廚房, 浴室,
三月中那天約十九度, 小學生的航海課, 大家合作把舵船排列好,
我中學時暑假的課外活動才有機會玩風帆, 這兒玩風帆跟我們打網球般方便,
計我話, 大家最好不要像法國人及意大利人般哂日光浴,
他們夏天由五月到九月, 每天到海灘躺上六至八小時, 吃喝拉也是在海灘呀!
烏克蘭核電站發生泄漏之後, 仍穿泳衣躺在海灘上, 每年不停吸埋吸埋,
不知多有害福射呢, 最少 多吃一番茄呀!!
這幾天約二十二度,一雙一對享受陽光, 定 晚上八, 九度,
早上要穿外衣去散步, 又可以去海邊觀鳥,
太陽下坐在户外吃飯, 不過太陽傘下要穿外衣
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2011 23:55:00]這兒好多人散步, 跑步,!
Cote d'Azure 真係名副其實!
回覆刪除今天也是下雨天, weather report 顯示仲有2天消沉...!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2011 13:38:00]上星期好好天的!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2011 13:37:00]每張相也不同, 下午 14 - 20 度, 我加左在相旁,
好耐 冇 見4個碌 嘅 roller Skate.
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/03/2011 21:03:00]呢個有小朋友玩, 好多人玩一排六個果隻!
Roller Sakte common here in Nice and Cagnes Sur Mer as there is a long promenade along the seaside!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/01/2011 03:57:00]最快七月呀! 五,月份雪山才開始溶雪, 海水是冰水,
Côte d'Azure真是渡假好地方。
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/04/2011 16:48:00]Je t'attends!
以前有個意粉同事話意大利幅射勁, 點解呢? Is that true ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2011 19:18:00]have you seen that documentary from Discovery Channel about the Chernobyl Incident in Ukrania? The wind has bought a lot of radio active materials to Nothern Italy and also the Alps area in France. many people suffer from Thyroid cancer in the past 20 years. one by one and die in a few months .
Oh ic.. that means within nearby distance really hv such big impact.. can't imagine other part of japan will be affected soon.. horrible !
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2011 19:51:00]I 'm not scarin gyou ! but If they can not fix it. It will be a problem of the entire East Asia and even Western America . There is no boundary for radiation, it alll depends on the wind. Also it is now spreading to the Pacific , ocean current bought the material every where. I will effect the Food chain under sea and in turn , effect human being. i guess we might need to build a underwater city.
I've same feeling too ! Seems end of the world is coming !
回覆刪除Now I will enjoy every single day ! (That's why I buy more things lately )