2007年4月12日 星期四

Easter BBQ-絕招一出

Recap of May 01, 2005






講真水晶晶在外邊真系無時無刻想著要故存中國人的形象架,身在易鄉好像代表了全個中國,你的一舉一動系中國人的大個體,人地吾理你系邊個。尤其是在希臘的小島以及在我這邊(除了尼斯以外)很少見到中國人的,意大利人成日眼望望的, 要盡可能提供正確信息。




講回 over run 得好慬要既 Easter BBQ!呢個經歷真系好難能可貴!

主菜是羊排,烤薯仔還有希臘沙律 Greek Salad ,  克里特島的茄子小碟,茄汁白豆 Broad Bean with Tomato Sauce,復活節的麵包等;& Spaghetti.

包租婆Irina 及那海軍軍官的媽媽,各自準備了一大鍋羊排,

包租公Paolo 負責燒烤,我們則排排坐食羊排;雖然不是燒全羊,但已十分滿足了!其實我們是當天晚上看電視才知道週圍都有燒全羊,所以沒有失望。

The man in Red hat is 包租公Paolo .



 用二種不同的香草,Oregano , sprint mint 薄荷葉, 蒜頭,胡椒粉, 鹽調味,

隔晚腌,即 要食前一晚 放好調味才會入味。

See the Red Eggs on the right hand side


接著所有希臘男士也起來跳舞(除泰狄熊外),不分年齡,他們示範了三、四隻,民族舞,有節興上必出現的Kalamatianos ,是民族舞;愛琴海的Sirtos . 還有一隻來自克里特島的,叫五倍的暈眩Pendozali (five times dizziness)愈跳愈快.


Then we went for a walk after eating in order to avoid fallen alseep. As Teddy bear is already a "FAi Tsai" and I got a small "ciccia" belly.

Seaside  below our apartment.

Lamb chops was prepared here in Azoliminos instead of the whole lamb for me it’s the same. It was marinated in herbs (oreganos, spint mint, garlic, salt and pepper.) a day in advance by our landlord!!! It was so delicious ! I can assured you  the special smell of lamb is no longer exists.

Efcharisto ( thanks) Irina !!

Apart from the roast lamb, Kokoretsi( a piece of offal twisted round a spit brushed with herbs and lemon),  I did not eat as I don’t eat offals, roasted potatoes, and  other small Greek dishes were prepared  such as egg plants, broad beans in tomato sauce, Greek Salad, slightly sweet egg-bread ( kind of Easter bread).

At the end of the meal, each person took one red dyed  hard boiled egg and then the guest or the senior person strike/ hit his egg onto the one of the others until one of it  was  cracked. The one who can break the eggs of the other would have blessed /good luck.

We saw in the TV one General striking his eggs onto the one of the fellow soldiers.  Don't know if the Russians have the same tradition.

After the eggs, here comes the dance. All the men raised from the table (except teddy bear) and dance together. Most  Greek dancing is done in the form of small steps round a circle or a line,  holding hands.  We saw three different dances, Kalamatianos, Sirtos and Pendozali was shown by our guests from Crete . 

Kalamatianos is originally from Kalamata, it is the moast popular folk dance at every feast. Sirtos is from the Aegean Islands . Pendozali means five times dizziness due to the speed of the steps.  It was traditional dance by the Cretians and the men also compete as to how fast they can do the steps..

17 則留言:

  1. 日本主婦之生活篇2007年4月14日 凌晨2:01


  2. Petite poupee @安提比2007年4月14日 凌晨2:21

    朦面主婦  teddy bear is my husband, an italian so he does not know how to dance Greek Folk dance.

  3. 小白羊Petit Mouton Blanc2007年4月14日 凌晨2:26

    在這邊有很多人都認錯我是日本人呀。 那刻真係有點不開心呢。 我明明是中國人呢。 唉......

  4. 所以不論在外在內,我既左右銘都是 "做一個做好本份的中國人"

  5. 好嘢!不愧係中國人!

  6. 一齊跳舞好似好開心呀~~ 呀泰狄熊有冇一齊跳呀??  講真我都想再去多一次希臘玩, 上次去時響 Santorili 時參加左個 local tour 帶我地去大約係島東南面 (唔知有冇記錯), 話係亞特蘭提斯古跡既地方參觀. 當時個 guide 話個遺跡仲掘緊, 要大約十年先會見到個樣~~~

  7. 見到大家玩得好開心!!!

  8. 你的生活真寧令人羨慕

  9. oh~ 原來係fried rice! 果然係絕招! 香港炒飯, 真係好野!! 我去party都好like 整炒飯, 易整, 又唔會同人撞  

  10.   Pendozali , wow! sounds very exciting and interesting!  Thanks for your sharing. hmmm....will you also consider to tape some of the activities and post them on your blog? It will be fun.

  11. 又玩又食好開心呢. 佢地好興拎住條手巾仔 跳舞.同土耳其一樣. 佢地跳舞時會唔會無啦啦卷晒脷咁叫架? 同你想法一樣, 唔會影衰自己國家.

  12. Petite poupee @安提比2007年4月15日 中午12:08

    Earthy No teddy did not dance at all, he is so lazy. Me too , I want to go to Santorini again with teddy. As I did not see too much when I went there with the Package tour.  小白羊Petit Mouton Blanc  ,   肥苗一族 , 活得精彩   that's why we have to be careful especially when we lived overseas. we are a good specimen.

  13. Petite poupee @安提比2007年4月15日 中午12:20

    溫詩愛貓 yes, it is really interesting and exciting!! One should have an open mind and try to participate in all their activities. You will even enjoy more so don't be shy!!  
    Kinder 出寄蛋 my life is not always exciting, there is time that I feel so boring when I 'm alone and my husband is somewhere else. But I enjoy every moment and really gald to have this chance. Really Woolly   I ve some video of the last trip to Greece, there was a performance of Greek Folk dance and music. But it was not so good as there are tooo many person and the place is small. I 'm considering to upload them when I go back to Monaco where I get  unlimited Internet services

  14. Petite poupee @安提比2007年4月15日 中午12:23

      大洗慳妹 佢地好興拎住條手巾仔 跳舞.同土耳其一樣!! I think it is a dance for dating I saw a similar one on the saronic crusie, will try to post it when I went back to Monaco. 佢地跳舞時會唔會無啦啦卷晒脷咁叫架? yes, they did !

  15. 我都好想可以陽光下海灘上微風中bbq呀! 好恨....

  16. ciao~ 我在yahoo見到精選有"嫁一個意大利"的blog, 吸引了小妹. 我幾年前都學過意大利文的, 奈何苦無練習對象及日漸疏懶, 所以都忘了. 意大利跟地中海是我一直所嚮往的地方, 過往的日子曾跟團到過意大利, 雖然只是走馬看花也足以令我回味十載. 我自小開始便有種直覺, 就是我非要到希臘遊一趟不可, 硬是覺得到時會有點事情發生, 但我又不知道是啥, 不過我依然期待!! 所有相片好靚好棒呀~ 我預期八月都會去希臘, 雖然又是跟團, 但都教我期待萬分!! 很羨慕你可以在歐洲找到真愛, 很羨慕你可以這樣近乎長居歐洲(多是地中海及意大利吧~)的生活!! 請容我多來你的blog作眼睛旅行, 並我想向你請教有關希臘的事, 可以嗎?

  17. 我前年都去過希臘,仲去了Mykonoz,Crete and Santorini,好靚好好氣氛,看過你的blog,也勾起了我很多對希臘的回憶。你的描述和介紹都很精彩呢!有時間我會再上來看的。
