2007年5月14日 星期一

又有Tsunami ?

不是颱風,也不是海嘯!只是天然災害!南半球吹的 austral 作怪!
It's not Cyclone! not a Tsunami !!It’s  just a natural disaster. Accoding to the French Meteo - Weather Abservatory  dept, it was just the  Australe wind from the southern hemisphere.  

周六晚起的印度洋留尼旺 (近馬達加斯加)沿岸地區受到巨浪襲擊




the beach , Boucan Canot and Hermitage where Teddy bear and  I went there last year was also under the big waves storm  (see also  previous blog) .



 this picutre was taken after the Cyclone Diwa March 2006 (above)

Boucan Canot  after the big storm march 2006

The entire beach was submerged in the waves this time. (see video)


Paradise no more !!  Hermitage is no longer the same as before!


Before the Big Waves


              大樹連根拔起倒下來  (see in the video)



         捲起的巨浪翻起了lagoon 內的珊瑚礁

         the Corals in the lagoon were lifted up by the big waves.

        此景不再!Paradise no more !!  Hermitage is no longer the same !

A terre, la houle, d'une hauteur de 11 mètres par endroits, selon Météo France, a semé la frayeur parmi les habitants. "Il était 21H30 lorsqu'une vague est arrivée dans la salle du restaurant où les clients dînaient. Tout le monde est parti en courant", a raconté Frédéric Beaucourt, propriétaire d'un établissement du front de mer à Saint-Pierre.

Plusieurs maisons ont été envahies par les eaux pendant la nuit. Cinq familles ont dû être évacuées. A Saint-Gilles (côte ouest), "de nombreuses embarcations ont coulé ou été endommagées, des passerelles d'accès aux bateaux emportées et le port a été ensablé sous l'effet de la houle", selon la préfecture. Cinq embarcations ont coulé à Saint-Pierre et 10 à Saint-Leu, mais aucun dégât n'a été constaté sur les infrastructures, selon la même source.

19 則留言:

  1. Here is the 'machine' translation of the last two para. :
    The Tsunami measured 11 meters above ground, according to Weather France, scared the hell out of the residents. "It was 21H30 when a wave hit the room of the restaurant where the customers dined. Everyone left while running ", told Frederic Beaucourt, owner of an establishment at the sea front in Saint-Pierre. Several houses were invaded by water during the night. Five families had to be evacuated. In Saint-Gilles (West coast), "many boats sunk or damaged, the footbridges to the boats and the port was destroyed by the Tsunami", according to the local official. Five boats sunk to Saint-Pierre and 10 in Saint-Leu, but no damage was noted on the infrastructures, according to the same source.
    Is it close?

  2. 自然的災害好可怕,人類係大自然中非常的渺少。 但人又成日忘記大自然的威力...

  3. May god bless all of us.

  4. 好可惜!  唔知幾時才修理好!

  5. 自然災害的出現, 會使我們覺得, 在地球上人類其實是非常渺小的。

  6. 真係好可惜呢﹗

  7. Wow~ 1st time come to our site. I'm attracted bcoz you said u've married an Itilian... Hehe~ I like Italy even I haven't been there.... Add oil~ Wish u live there happily...

  8. Oh! My God! A nice scene was gone. Poor!!!  

  9. 日本主婦之生活篇2007年5月15日 上午11:02

    欺山莫欺水 水威力真係好HORRIBLE

  10. You're welcome!   I like your blog very much...like all the pictures!! Thanks for visiting my blog too.

  11. Paradise may be no more ... Let it be ... I do believe that the paradise you had seen still exists deep inside your heart ... 

  12. wow..I like the first and the second pics!!  It was so fascinated!!

  13. 這令我想起幾年前東亞海嘯,突然而來,屠殺千萬遊客 ..... 真太恐佈了 。天造美景,天毁自然,我們人類亦無能為力去阻擋。只是,日後去有危險存在海邊或死火山旅遊,真要小心矣 。

  14. 嘩 ! 你上年去留尼旺!!! 仲要經常去!!!  留尼旺同塞舌爾等島國都係我夢想之例呢~ 勁羨慕你呀!!! 我都試過你既心情呢... 係南亞海嘯後 ,看到報紙登出黎既相 ,以前住過既酒店爛晒...

  15. 咁大浪, 你仲影, 你知呢d唔係海嘯?

  16. 大自然的力量真係好大.

  17. Petite poupee @安提比2007年5月16日 凌晨12:57

      Madame Pi   there were some days the sea was very rough!!  This beach is very deep and I was scared too  and I did not swim even when the sea is calm.

    銀仔   we went there twice and was staying there for 3 months each time.
    紅蕃公主 , I went to the beach everyday at that time .
    Ka Itatsu   We used to go to those restaurants every weekend.
    Michael    I think the beach will remain  but some of the trees might have gone.
    花旗師9 ,  末世黑天使 thanks !!

    金豬寶寶 ,  日本主婦 命運交響曲?命裡有肪時
    師父 ,  tata    luckily it was not happened in midnight, those who lived next to the beach or coast
                             are able to evacuate !!  The fisherman ! 凶多吉少?!

    Comforter   Hope the Restaurant will not get  bankrupt
    Frankie Sosin ,  M    好無耐!
    快活谷主   thanks for the translation  !!  I was lazy, did not want to type !  
                         La houle is the big waves.

  18. wow, 大自然的威力﹐不可小看! 謝謝圖片分享。

  19. 起米 ! 衝浪也
