昨天講到包租婆 Irina來訪的邀請水晶晶與泰狄熊於星期日一起參與復活節燒烤!
因冰箱內食物只供二人份量,而超市又快將關門,與泰狄熊商討後,我們決定像法國人帶兩枝 Bordeaux 紅酒赴會。
於是星期日起床後,只飲了一杯奶做早餐,留定個胃食羊排及其它希臘美食! 十一時許水晶晶的肚子己在打豉,
好不容易才到十二時許,我們便落去花園(昨天第二張相的左下三形),只見包租公在起炭爐,檯子上有些飲料、碟子及刀刀叉叉,我們便幫忙弄好檯子、椅子。如是者只見包租婆 Irina 來回數次,把 Potato and Beetroot 沙律、Greek Salad ,及一大鍋己 Yip 好 (Marinated)的羊排由 Basement的小屋搬出來。
到一時也未見其他人,餓 C水晶啦!
哇!個個都咁認真 閉門做 food !!
再告訴包租婆我們只準備了兩枝紅酒赴會, 看看她有什麼樣返應。
昨天又話吾需要,今天又有D面色 ..下省二百字,
我吾理亞,我吾可以失禮中國人! 我吾會帶兩 Saw 蕉架!!我倆加埋係四saw呀!!
"It is very bad to bring two pairs of bananas and we are two persons so it makes 2x 2 pairs."
其實星期五晚水晶晶己想定後路 , 有個吾係好 Contingency 既 Contingency plan,
水晶晶立刻拿冰箱內所有材料,有兩條Frankfurter香腸、一包泠藏蝦、四只雞蛋、一個洋蔥、紅蘿蔔及一個沒有西蘭花的西蘭花頭!重有櫃內一罐粟米、半包 uncle Benis 快熟 –XX (??) guess what ?? 你地用小宇宙估下, 你話可以做什麼菜??
我吾理亞,我吾可以失禮中國人! 我吾會帶兩 Saw 蕉架!!我倆加埋係四saw呀!!
"It is very bad to bring two pairs of bananas and we are two persons so it makes 2x 2 pairs."
其實星期五晚水晶晶己想定後路 , 有個吾係好 Contingency 既 Contingency plan,
水晶晶立刻拿冰箱內所有材料,有兩條Frankfurter香腸、一包泠藏蝦、四只雞蛋、一個洋蔥、紅蘿蔔及一個沒有西蘭花的西蘭花頭!重有櫃內一罐粟米、半包 uncle Benis 快熟 –XX (??) guess what ?? 你地用小宇宙估下, 你話可以做什麼菜??
對不起 看不到製作啊!! 因為全部被希臘人食晒!!
d羊排 !!好好味!! 我地要去 Ikea 看傢俱!
So on Sunday Morning, we have a very light breakfast and prepared our stomach for the big feast. At first Teddy Bear suggested to bring a few bottle of wines. aRound midday, we went to the garden adn I saw the landlord prearing the charcoal grill. Our landlady was also busy for bringing some salad and small dishes out. A big saucepan of marinated lamb chop has already been put on the table.
As I did not see any other tenants, I asked Irina where they are . I was told that they were still preparing their dishes and they would be coming soon. I realized that everyone was going to bring something from their kitchen.
Then, I got a chance to show Irina the two bottle of win that we brought with us and saw how she reacted, telling her we were not able to prepare any food as the super market was closed. Then, I noticed that she was not too happy.
Immediately, I went to to the apertment with Teddy bear. I told Teddy bear that we were in a trouble. W are going to be very embrasses as everyone was preparing something. Then, I felt so bad in attending the party with four pairs of bananas ( both teddy and I ).
I decided to make a Chinese dish - XX as I have no other food at home for 15 persons except plenty of XX. Since it was a 4 days holiday since Friday and too late for me to buy anything. Fortunately, I also have a small portions of different ingredients such as onions, sausage, eggs, carrot, broccolis so it made a perfect XX. They all like it so much !!
果然犀利呀! 「水晶晶」絕招一出,誰與爭峰! 果然冇失禮中國人。
回覆刪除Fried rice?
回覆刪除你整左打bin lo 呀? lololol 著住牛仔褸果個係咪你呀?
回覆刪除我都係估 炒飯!
回覆刪除好難估啊....不過你真係好叻, 隨機應變
回覆刪除i guess fried rice but don't tell us it is 菠籮腸仔 ah sorry i can't find Roger Hanins's pic.
回覆刪除Oh! What kind of food for your contingency plan??? I can't guess what it is as I'm not familiar with cooking.
回覆刪除水晶晶.... 我想問你現在係意大利定希臘呀?
回覆刪除係咪炒飯呀? Uncle Bens喎... 我屋企都有盒
回覆刪除我買十蚊炒飯 , Uncle Bens rice in 5 mins?! 中左有冇獎, 會唔會獎我食炒飯呀?
回覆刪除意大利式生炒飯!嘩,我們的香港媳婦一定不會失禮,為國爭光 !不過,乜兩枝紅酒就未 O. K. 咩?在美國加拿大,只帶一枝去人地屋企參加 party 咋 。
回覆刪除好 利 害 啊 !
回覆刪除rice salad?
回覆刪除好多謝來探訪我地個blog. 我好鍾意希臘, 雖然未去過, 但總覺得希臘個天同個海都特別藍, 仲有d屋特別白. 好舒服! 你可以o係果度2個月慢慢遊覽, 好羨慕呢! 我地計劃今年7月去希臘, 希望去得成!
回覆刪除he he.. 唔記得估, 我都係投炒飯一票!
回覆刪除To alll my blog mates : 水晶晶做慨無錯系炒飯!!我告訴他們名字叫 香港炒 飯,他們還說好好味呢! 吟又過左骨啦! Little Paris , 朦面主婦 , dreams come true , Lili Marleen , 大洗慳妹 , 雅妮媽媽 黎師奶 & 黎先生 , 中左 , the prize is a free tour to Tuscany, Loire Valley, Safari in East Africa, Vietnam... thank you for all your support !! pls also see the next blog . 講真水晶晶在外邊真系無時無刻想著要故存中國人的形象架,身在易鄉好像代表了全個中國,你的一舉一動系中國人的大個體,人地吾理你系邊個。 maybe each country has his own customs, so I really don't know what they think !!
回覆刪除小白羊Petit Mouton Blanc I was in Monte CArlo when I read your message but I came back here in Genova tonight. we made 400 kms in two days. genova >>> Monaco >>>>Genova. The blog was a recap
回覆刪除You're very smart!