2008年6月30日 星期一

西班牙全接觸- 食物篇 (下)

除了很多人也愛吃Tapas Spanish HamPaella 外,


北部包括以大西洋以海鮮為主的 Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria, 以農牧業為主的Pyrenees山區Basque country ,盛產葡萄酒的 Navarra , La RiojaRibeiro

南部包括Seville, Andalusia,有看小王子也知, Andalusia陽光充沛以盛產米,檸檬,橙,橄欖及葡萄酒,風乾火腿、腸,其它農產品如蕃茄、燈龍椒,香料如 Saffron, Cumin 為主,以及出名的西班牙Sherry Vinegarsherry Tio PepeTapas 也是出自Andalusia

部以馬德里, Castilla y Leon, Castilla la Mancha, Salamanca, Toledo, Extremadura,食物以野味為主,野豬、雉pheasant、野兔、田雞(Extremadura)燒乳豬、燒羊(Castilla y Leon)Castilla la Mancha 的炆各式豆(pinto beans, lentils, chickpeas)有不少家常菜以炆為主 Cocido madrilène (西班牙版的雜錦炆肉煲 pot de feu)。


燒乳豬,Castilla t y Leon,不同是入乳豬內釀了青豆蓉。

 我拿了一大塊卜卜脆的皮! from the sunday Buffet

部包括 Catalonia(Barcelona ), Valencia & Murcia,  Aragon, 東部受阿拉伯人Moors及羅馬人影響最深,以橄欖,橙,檸檬、米,杏仁及 saffron為主,加入海鮮及山上食材如; Catalonia 多以魚、蝸牛再加入紅椒、蕃茄 及辣椒烹調成的傳統汁。

Paella便是出自Valencia,話說Valencia 上的平原盛產米!正宗 Valencia Paeolla  有海鮮、蝸牛、雞、野兔

在法國吃了不少來西班牙 Valencia, Alicante 橙!........

Before diner, at 6pm, there are snacks served at the pool deck,  So petite poupee went there each evening to sneak around. I ve tasted most of the hot dishes and some salad before my formal dinner at 8 pm.

The followings are for dinner only, dinner is held at 8pm for the first round and then 10 pm for the second around. As we are not spanish, we have requested for the first round as I can't really have dinner at 10pm!

Every evening, before going for dinner, I told myself I'am on diet so I would only have the soup. Then when we were on the table, I can't resist the temptation to order the Spanish dishes.

Fish dishes

Seabass in fish stock with Potato 左邊

Tilapi fish with a crust     後邊--  居然有三隻蝦 

Bacalao a la Viscaia (Cod fish cooked in fish stock ith potato)  右邊


Roast dishes  
第一天飽到死也要紲續食的燒羊脾(左邊上),是 Chief Engineer 的推介

好味道冇介紹錯!the portion is so big that I finshed half of it.

又系水晶晶的推介!Yummy yummy !!

Roast Shank of Lamb with sautéed potato, board beans & Serrano ham !

Grilled secreto Iberico Pork cheek  右邊上

secreto Grilled  Pork from Iberico  (left)

Roast Baby Lamb with vegetables (right)

This portion of baby lamb in fact is quite big!

見到這些美食已想買本 spanish cook book鑽研下!

Meat Dishes

Beef Tenderloin with Café de Paris (back)

Oxtail in mashed potatoes  (front)----  又系水晶晶的推介  !!

Osso Buco (left)


Poutry dishes

Roast Duck Serveille Style (top)

Turkey strips  with  vegetables (1)

Chicken al Jerez (2) , with sherry wine

Poached Chicken Breast (3)

I ve bought a spanish cooked book and will look into some of the receipe.

Due to so many delicious food available on board, I was putting on weight!


左邊上 - 樣子好吸引的Low Fat Strawberry Mousse ,

右邊上 walnut pear Bavarian with caramelized cinemon  cream

Cream Brulee with raspberry (Catalane style )左邊下

Strawberry mousse cake右邊下

下圖assorted Cakes  & tartes

Strawberry short cake

Strawberry low fat cheese cake
Semi Fredo **


Apple Strudel

Sacher chocolate cake

Semolina tart with Fresh berries

Cream Brulee Catalane style

yoghurt cake

Labacara aux Pearoise cinnamon  (spanish name)

Long drink

菲律賓 bartender 介紹水晶晶飲 一種古巴的 Cocktail, Mojito

五種材料Rum, cane sugar ,青檸再加新鮮薄荷葉,soda 水。

lime soda 多了一層青香薄荷味!

一邊飲一邊 Jacuzzi !正 ....................人地!

19 則留言:

  1. Mojito, 夏天去親Mr.B 個Godchild屋企, 女主人都會整俾我哋飲

  2. I think the leaves inside Mojito is Hierba buena, not really mint.
    [版主回覆07/01/2008 22:29:00]they told me it is mint! I don't know what is  Hierba buena?
    Hierba buena (Span.)  = mint  or pepper mi nt!
    check the ingredients from wiki.

  3. Low Fat Strawberry Mousse 啱我呀!

  4. 嘩!你真係食左好多野喎,碟碟都唔少份量! 我最想食係西班牙橄欖,真係好正!

  5. Woo.....you really bought one cook book to cook?
    I think you cannot wear bikini this year!
    [版主回覆11/01/2008 15:30:00]I can't wear bikini since 2007!

  6. lamb shack & ox tail 都係我最愛嘅食物﹐ 見到圖都已經開始吞口水啦~~~

  7. yummy! 隻燒豬頭又幾燒得幾靚! 其他美食賣相都好!


  9. 睇到我好想食燒肉呀~~~~~~~~

  10. d甜品好吸引啊!!
    睇咗你幾篇坐遊輪既blog, 好正啊!! 羨慕中......

  11. 果然真係飽到死 - 咁多野食架, 碟碟份量都好夠喎! 尤其啱食肉獸!! Labacara aux Pearoise cinnamon --正呀! yum~我鐘意~
    不過始終唔多慣西班牙的paella, d米有似有d 夾生.

  12. I used to buy hierba buena in Barcelona, i think it probably tastes like mint but it is not exactly mint. I think this plant is not available everywhere that is why people use mint. However in Cuba, the original recipe is made with hierba buena, if you search Mojito in English, you will see mint because hierba buena is not even translated. Check this wiki in Spanish: Mojito
    [版主回覆11/01/2008 17:38:00]It is not important as this drink is so popular in mediterranean, perhaps they use only mint leave here! Wonder if the shipping copmany will import Hierba buena from Cuba.  But on the ship, there are many latin americans working on it. 

  13. 我發覺, 有親好野食, 我都會留言呢. 哈哈哈.

  14. 嘩, 好想食好想食... d甜品噢~
    最尾個張真係勁嘆, hee

  15. D甜品,唔駛幻想,睇見都已經肥C...
    [版主回覆11/01/2008 17:33:00]in fact, I skipped most of the dessert!
    Just order one to share with teddy bear!

  16. 淨係食個羊脾同Roasted baby lamp我都已經會好滿足、好滿足㗎啦!

  17. 你要唔要收養一個超齡契仔 ..... 帶埋我去食!

  18. The Rabo de Ris (oxtail) looks fantastic.  I am sure it will go well with a nice bottle of Priorat.
    [版主回覆11/01/2008 17:28:00]it is yummy, at first I intended to eat one piece but I can't resist the temptation. The meat is so tender and sauce go very well with the mashed potatoes.

  19. 想請問登龍椒既西班牙文點寫,芽
