2008年3月31日 星期一

我在留尼日旺的日子 2 in La Reunion

Indian Ocean

在留尼旺這個小島(法國於印度洋的海外省),泰狄熊的同事租住海灘則邊的酒店,而我們不想住酒店,而且我有職業病,我一定會左挑右take,二來晚餐可以由我包辦;要是放工後要跟同一夥人吃晚餐至十時,真的很累而且他們一定會談公事,完全沒有私人空間,   於是泰狄熊訂了海灘一帶的 Local Bungalow,又可自己煮點簡簡單單而又快靚正的食物,飯後我們到海灘散步,他的法國同事才飲 Aperitif!

我在留尼日旺的日子 1小島簡介

                Boucan Canot beach

泰狄熊訂了 Boucan Canot 海灘一帶的 Local Bungalow,他以為我

會穿上沙灘裝然後天天躺在沙灘,因為只隔一條馬路便是海灘,其實我愛游泳多於曬太陽,就是太近海灘,沒有安全感,一來怕有海嘯,這海灘的波浪大得很,第一星期已遇到颱風,海浪蓋過沙灘一半;二來又怕有賊入屋,而且我不大喜歡這Bungalow,收費像三、四星酒店,但格局及清潔度不合格,而且我有職業病挑三揀四,要步行1.5 公里才有超市,自己又不可到超市入貨!



our Hotel in La Reunion is an apartment complex with swimming pool and a tropical garden. Our block is overlooking the others and can the see from far away.

於是由我找到了這複式的 service  apartment, 不但有泳池,每天有 Aqua Gym ,而且有彩保安,與 internet!

it is a duplex with bedroom on the mezzanine floor while a kichenette, sittting room and bathroom on the lower floor.


I ve seen many banana trees in Hong Kong when I was young.  I have eaten tons of bananas. But I ve never seen a banana ripening from a tree. We cut a branch from the tree in front of our room for breakfast.

A flower will grow and then banana is growing  from it. Once the banana grown to a certain size, the pentals were then  detached from the stem. The banana keeps on growing until certain size.


some of the flowers found in the hotel garden such as

the beautiful Bougainvillier  !! Bougainvilles in front of our hotel room.












    Liane Auore



my friends



2008年3月22日 星期六

復活節- 蘑菇也風狂






與上星期由 Allos 回來時一模一樣萬天飛雪!



           受難日Good Friday去巫婆村前,

下午去了 Valley Argentina 的 蘑菇餐廳 Ca' Mea

 (Casa mia= my home)!

Argentina 河邊的餐廳門前是巨形大蘑菇!


                                        Artichoke with capaccio生牛肉 配亞芝竹

Porcini mushroom in oil

Funghi cream (white in colour)

Frittata di formaggio (cheese & mushroom omelette)--

 on top row 2nd on the right   

Fondente di Formaggio (cheese fondue)on top row  on right 

Fried Potatoes with mushroom- second row on left

Bagna Cauda  with vegetables (Typical dishes in Piedmonte),



Bagna Cauda means hot bath!好鬼正呀!
蔬菜 Artichoke,endive, pepper, celery, fennel

Primi Piatti : 

Tagliatelle with mushroom and cream sauce
Risotto with mushroom!

Main course beef steak &  roast lamb, 或炸蘑菇!

由於我地冇本事再食大cau 肉,所以Deep fried Porcini 首選

 Porcini 大到直徑手掌般長的蘑菇!

dessert :

Frutti di bosco (Berries found in woods) &

  Lemon Ice cream

Lemoncello, Grappa !!


吃完這一餐美味蘑菇餐, Good friday 晚上什麼吃不下!


餐廳以前是橄欖磨房 Frantoio 所以有幾個大古董!

Still remember this?

古法橄欖磨房 Frantoio

採不到磨菇 一 porcini

those are mushrooms hunted by our friends


2008年3月8日 星期六

七年之攁 夢想成真




再思前想後,下唔系呀!我地無可能的,我只盡地主之誼帶你去某遊客必到的漁村吃海鮮;於是一於避開他,不要給他機會,可惜水晶晶每次這麼樣想,每次便像中了咒般,逃不出手指 la!

這兩星期是七年來最開心的日子,因為成日發白日夢, 童年回憶可以好似海般住在亞爾卑斯山 Alps,書、 video 、Alps Magazines 也有買回家, 終於想成真, 與泰狄熊親親大自然,海迪我來了!

一個 weekend 咁多,已好滿足!

web stats

2008年3月2日 星期日

一景定終身Villefranche (Citadelle更新版)

02 Mar 08

蔚藍海岸小城5 Villefranche

回想起第一次來歐洲探泰狄熊時, 六月中一個天朗氣清的早上,

車由機場先駛過尼斯的長長的海灣, 接著沿海岸線返家,

由九曲+三彎的, 沿途的美景不停在眼前略過,

經過十六小時航程, 盡管已疲倦不堪, 更累也要撐著,

眼睛也跟著放大,   面對藯藍的天空, 藯藍的海水, 濟湧的海灣,

尤其車子駛過Villefranche sur Mer , 色彩鮮明的建築物親托,

最愛這種景色! 立刻下車拍下美景, 從此便愛上這片蔚南海岸! 


從此每次想外出用善,   這小小港彎便成了我倆出沒之地, 

 拍攝照片 Jun 18, 2001,

最愛陽光普照, 水平如鏡日子來這港灣!
 Water is Crystal Clear. A sandy beach is at the end of the bay.


半山的中世紀城堡建於 1557年,以保護居民避免海盜侵襲 ,

One of my favourite spot along the coast, an unspoilt  town overlooking a beautiful harbour. This harbour is deep enough as a Naval port, thus called  by Giant Cruise ships regularly.



市中心的巴洛克式教堂 church of St Michael

不少遊客慕名而來岸邊小教堂 St Peter’s Chapel

因為據說內裡的fresco裝飾是出自Jean Cocteau,


Chapelle St Pierre is now using for storing the fishing net
where Jean Cocteau has added lavished fresco  

城內有一窄而長的小巷La Rue Obscure 幽暗又神秘,


Rue Obscure , 13 th century  part of the Medieval ramparts

Jean cocteau 筆下的 rue Obscure! 

Port de la Santé  

粉紅色的建築物是Villefranche Cruise Terminal


Microsoft 其中一老板的Villa就在右邊遠處!

海旁大街Quai de L'Amiral Courbet 修建整齊的石仔路,

沿岸邊有十數海鮮餐廳,供應catch of the day 美味海鮮! 

有點象豪華版赤柱,+分受本地人歡迎, 尤其夏天!


尼斯舊城內的'遊客'海鮮餐廳, 因為不想一頸血!

Water front is lined by bars and seafood restaurants.

My favourite place on a sunny day, watching the fishermen unloading, 

their freshly catch on the quay.

沿岸的大廈是典型的Postcard 照片!

Lunch Soupe de poission 魚湯,

美味的意大利海鮮飯 Rissotto del mare!


廣場上每逢星期日也有古董跳蚤市場 ,我倆最愛來這跳蚤市場,

上至傢俱及古擺設、名貴二手china ware及銀器杯碟、水晶燈,

油畫、舊書 Poster古董手袋, 繡花布什麼新式飾物也不難找到,


One of the most popular and frequent  Antique market of the region is held  on every Sunday morning until 16:00pm at the main square near Quai Amiral Courbet.  Local products such as cheese, honey, sausages, ham may also be  found at the upper square .  Don't miss the chance to stroll around the steep and narrow lanes in the old town !!


尼斯是運輸中心, 有十多巴士線到附近小城,  包括到 Villefranche, Monaco, Menton

沿途風景秀麗, 這條巴士線是全南法出名最震撼的一條路線, 只須一歐羅!

Villefranche 到站後向山下步行, 建議回和程可坐火車便不用再返四山上,

由尼斯到Villefrance 風景 , 坐巴士可胞覽沿岸風光!


How to reach here

By train : From Nice or Monaco by train to get off at Villefrance sur mer.

Then walk down hill for about  15 mins.

By bus : From   Regional Bus Terminal, Gare Routier take bus #100 destination Menton. The train station is near the beach.




每年二月嘉年華這裡擠破頭, 人們爭相坐在碼頭區前,


A event called battle of Flower will be held here in the harbour at the end of February every year.


Citadelle於 1557 年Duke of Savoy 為保護舊城建成,

Citadelle  保壘入口,

城內已成政委會及警察局, 內有四間博物館, 雕塑, 油畫, 陶瓷藝術與


Volti Foundation, (sculptures), Goetz Boeester (painting),

Roux Collection (ceramic figurines), 24th Alpine Bataillon Memorial Hall 

下圖是沒有公德心的港人於 2002年留字, 真刃臉!

奉勸各位往歐洲旅行的朋友, 如要留下你的足跡,




不知誰人做的, 來自香港2002,