2007年4月12日 星期四

Easter BBQ-絕招一出

Recap of May 01, 2005






講真水晶晶在外邊真系無時無刻想著要故存中國人的形象架,身在易鄉好像代表了全個中國,你的一舉一動系中國人的大個體,人地吾理你系邊個。尤其是在希臘的小島以及在我這邊(除了尼斯以外)很少見到中國人的,意大利人成日眼望望的, 要盡可能提供正確信息。




講回 over run 得好慬要既 Easter BBQ!呢個經歷真系好難能可貴!

主菜是羊排,烤薯仔還有希臘沙律 Greek Salad ,  克里特島的茄子小碟,茄汁白豆 Broad Bean with Tomato Sauce,復活節的麵包等;& Spaghetti.

包租婆Irina 及那海軍軍官的媽媽,各自準備了一大鍋羊排,

包租公Paolo 負責燒烤,我們則排排坐食羊排;雖然不是燒全羊,但已十分滿足了!其實我們是當天晚上看電視才知道週圍都有燒全羊,所以沒有失望。

The man in Red hat is 包租公Paolo .



 用二種不同的香草,Oregano , sprint mint 薄荷葉, 蒜頭,胡椒粉, 鹽調味,

隔晚腌,即 要食前一晚 放好調味才會入味。

See the Red Eggs on the right hand side


接著所有希臘男士也起來跳舞(除泰狄熊外),不分年齡,他們示範了三、四隻,民族舞,有節興上必出現的Kalamatianos ,是民族舞;愛琴海的Sirtos . 還有一隻來自克里特島的,叫五倍的暈眩Pendozali (five times dizziness)愈跳愈快.


Then we went for a walk after eating in order to avoid fallen alseep. As Teddy bear is already a "FAi Tsai" and I got a small "ciccia" belly.

Seaside  below our apartment.

Lamb chops was prepared here in Azoliminos instead of the whole lamb for me it’s the same. It was marinated in herbs (oreganos, spint mint, garlic, salt and pepper.) a day in advance by our landlord!!! It was so delicious ! I can assured you  the special smell of lamb is no longer exists.

Efcharisto ( thanks) Irina !!

Apart from the roast lamb, Kokoretsi( a piece of offal twisted round a spit brushed with herbs and lemon),  I did not eat as I don’t eat offals, roasted potatoes, and  other small Greek dishes were prepared  such as egg plants, broad beans in tomato sauce, Greek Salad, slightly sweet egg-bread ( kind of Easter bread).

At the end of the meal, each person took one red dyed  hard boiled egg and then the guest or the senior person strike/ hit his egg onto the one of the others until one of it  was  cracked. The one who can break the eggs of the other would have blessed /good luck.

We saw in the TV one General striking his eggs onto the one of the fellow soldiers.  Don't know if the Russians have the same tradition.

After the eggs, here comes the dance. All the men raised from the table (except teddy bear) and dance together. Most  Greek dancing is done in the form of small steps round a circle or a line,  holding hands.  We saw three different dances, Kalamatianos, Sirtos and Pendozali was shown by our guests from Crete . 

Kalamatianos is originally from Kalamata, it is the moast popular folk dance at every feast. Sirtos is from the Aegean Islands . Pendozali means five times dizziness due to the speed of the steps.  It was traditional dance by the Cretians and the men also compete as to how fast they can do the steps..

2007年4月11日 星期三

Easter BBQ 臨急把佛腳

Recap of May 01, 2005


昨天講到包租婆 Irina來訪的邀請水晶晶與泰狄熊於星期日一起參與復活節燒烤!
因冰箱內食物只供二人份量,而超市又快將關門,與泰狄熊商討後,我們決定像法國人帶兩枝 Bordeaux 紅酒赴會。
於是星期日起床後,只飲了一杯奶做早餐,留定個胃食羊排及其它希臘美食!  十一時許水晶晶的肚子己在打豉,

好不容易才到十二時許,我們便落去花園(昨天第二張相的左下三形),只見包租公在起炭爐,檯子上有些飲料、碟子及刀刀叉叉,我們便幫忙弄好檯子、椅子。如是者只見包租婆 Irina 來回數次,把 Potato and Beetroot 沙律、Greek Salad ,及一大鍋己 Yip 好 (Marinated)的羊排由 Basement的小屋搬出來。
到一時也未見其他人,餓 C水晶啦!

閉門做 food !!
再告訴包租婆我們只準備了兩枝紅酒赴會, 看看她有什麼樣返應。
昨天又話吾需要,今天又有D面色 ..下省二百字,
我吾理亞,我吾可以失禮中國人!  我吾會帶兩 Saw 蕉架!!我倆加埋係四saw呀!!

"It is very  bad to bring two pairs of bananas and we are two persons so it makes 2x 2  pairs."

其實星期五晚水晶晶己想定後路 , 有個吾係好 Contingency 既 Contingency  plan,

水晶晶立刻拿冰箱內所有材料,有兩條Frankfurter香腸、一包泠藏蝦、四只雞蛋、一個洋蔥、紅蘿蔔及一個沒有西蘭花的西蘭花頭!重有櫃內一罐粟米、半包 uncle Benis 快熟 –XX (??) guess what ??  你地用小宇宙估下, 你話可以做什麼菜??

如是者再派泰狄熊去街口士多買多一包Uncle Benis快熟- XX,
水晶晶立刻開行兩個電鍋,一個用來煮XX,一個用來煮沸水把那包泠藏蝦,急速用熱水容雪,另系一邊切紅蘿蔔、西蘭花、洋蔥!一邊切一邊炒,再切香腸、 打雞蛋..炒蝦...
登登登登!! 請看下圖!


對不起 看不到製作啊!!  因為全部被希臘人食晒!!


d羊排 !!好好味!! 我地要去 Ikea 看傢俱!

So on Sunday Morning, we have a very light breakfast and prepared our stomach for the big feast. At first Teddy Bear suggested to bring a few bottle of wines. aRound midday, we went to the garden adn I saw the landlord prearing the charcoal grill. Our landlady was also busy for bringing some salad and small dishes out. A big saucepan of marinated lamb chop has already been put on the table.
As I did not see any other tenants, I asked Irina where they are . I was told  that they were still preparing their dishes and they would be coming soon. I realized that everyone was going to bring something from their kitchen. 
Then,  I got a chance to show Irina the two bottle of win that we brought with us and saw how she reacted,  telling her we were not able to prepare any food as the super market was closed. Then, I noticed that she was not too happy.
Immediately, I went to to the apertment with Teddy bear. I told Teddy bear that we were in a trouble. W are going to be very embrasses as everyone was preparing something. Then, I felt so bad in attending the party with four pairs of bananas ( both teddy and I ).  
I decided to make a Chinese dish - XX as  I have no other food at home for 15 persons except  plenty of XX. Since it was a 4 days holiday since Friday and too late for me to buy anything.  Fortunately,   I also have a small portions of different ingredients such as onions, sausage, eggs, carrot, broccolis so it made a perfect XX. They all like it so much !!


2007年4月10日 星期二


MAY 01, 2005
前年的星期五Good Friday ,泰狄熊與水晶晶於下午四時許趕著到關門前的超級市場(超市是日六時關門,復活節假期超市將關門三天),Grocery Shopping完回到 Azoliminos的小屋;其實一路上我們己盤算著怎麼打發星期六 、星期日的復活節假期。
難得的 full day 的復活節假期,泰狄熊在希臘每一天包恬星期日也要工作;其實這兩月來我們己 遍Syros 每一角落,連人家的垃圾堆填區友到過,我們又不可能到別的小島,因所有船票己售雋 ,況且我們星期一早上要到雅典去, 因為泰狄熊有工作需要洽商。
水晶晶拿著Syros小島的蚊型地圖,這時包租婆 Irina 手拿著一碟糕點, 內有曲奇餅、復活節的麵包(Easter Bun)及 兩只紅雞蛋來到我們那小居。

水晶晶忘想症又發作:是馬可波羅 (Marco Polo) 由歐洲傳到中國, 還是是馬可波羅 (Marco Polo) 由中國傳到歐洲 ??? 有趣!

Irina 來訪的目的之一是邀請我們於星期日一起參與復活節燒烤,wah BBQ!

我與泰狄熊立即”nur 飯應”,有人安排好節目,還連聲道謝!

Irina 說還有其他兩戶租客,他們全是克里特島Crete來的;其中一戶是海軍軍官,還有他那從克里特島的父母。包租婆一家五口,大約有十五人!

禮貌上水晶晶作狀問 Irina: 我們是否需要準備些什麼食物?
Irina 禮貌上回答:不用了,你們來參與便可,食物將會全準備好!


水晶晶又懶有禮貌的回應: 不好的, 讓我看看可以弄些什麼!
                        那你們會做什麼東西? 那我便不用弄重複啊!
Irina 回答 : 會有羊肉,是我們的習俗,一些沙律 –Greek Salad
很多很多的..don't worry !!
水晶晶又問:那我們做Spaghetti 吧!是泰狄熊的意大利家鄉菜!
水晶晶心本想做 very easy 的 Spaghetti,又容易又快,泰狄熊又可以幫手,
又是懶人本式!  哇要做大約有十五人的份量,當然要他幫手啊!

可是Irina 說:他們己有人做 Spaghetti ,不用了!
唉! 水晶晶!吾好懶醒,Spaghetti 是地中海沿岸的菜式,
水晶晶唯有扮懶禮貌的回應: 那麼讓我弄點中國食物吧!
唉!咪即是要我一腳踢自己閉門攪惦!! 捉蟲添!!!
Irina 走前,再三釘促水晶晶與泰狄熊不要立即吃那兩只紅雞蛋,
留待星期日BBQ時 再向我們解釋。
水晶晶立刻看看有什麼可弄,冰箱內有一條只夠四人吃的冰鮮魚,是我們預算於Good Friday 晚吃的晚餐,牛扒又只夠兩人份量、一包泠藏蝦 ,唉!
還是算了吧!  怎麼弄也做不出十五人的菜式啊!
與泰狄熊商討後,他建議我們像法國人吧!我們剛剛不是買了數枝 Bordeaux 紅酒嗎?就帶兩枝紅酒吧!

Two days ago our landlord Irina brought a plate of sweet plaited dough, some cookies and Red dyed eggs (two hard boiled eggs with shells dyed red ) Oh !!  like the eggs which we prepared  for the new born baby in Chinese tradition!! She invited us to join their BBQ on Sunday afternoon, so we have a chance to experience the Orthodox Easter.

The red eggs symbolize the blood of Christ and are also given separately as presents. I know in many European countries, Easter Eggs is one of the symbol for Easter, they can be dyed in different colours.  


2007年4月9日 星期一

希臘人怎過復活節? 燒烤全羊

Recap of May 2005
The Orthodox celebrate Easter  as important as our new year and they  have to observe Lent 40 days before Easter. That means they are not allowed to eat meat, fish, eggs  for almost 6 weeks before Good Friday.
希臘人怎過星期五 Good Friday?

一般東正教徒於星期五午夜上教堂,那天晚上在電視上看到在雅典舉行的苦路彌撤。每年的苦路彌撤,也有運送十字架的苦路過程 Via Crucis,昨天說過意大利也有這樣的儀式,象徵耶穌由耶路撒冷 運送十字架到 Mt Golgota 的苦路過程。不只意大利、希臘 ,世界各如巴西、西班牙、菲律賓也有相同的儀式啊!
當中希臘與西班牙的十字架好像是大一點。又是上萬名信徒們手提燃燒著蠟竹, 追隨著十字架,很壯觀啊!

星期六午夜晚上在彌撤,東正教信徒每人手持著二寸長的蠟燭往教堂參與崇拜,在二個多小時的彌撤接近尾聲時,也像羅馬天主教般有一項燃點蠟燭儀式,象徵信念的燃點 (the lighting of the faith),當時所有燈光熄滅,神父在黑漆漆的教堂燃點著第一枝蠟燭,然後再傳給傍邊的神父、司祭,再由神父、司祭再續一傳送給教堂內的每一位信徒,象徵信念的傳播,最後整個教堂被燭光燃亮著,那種氣氛很感人呀!

彌撤完結後,Syros 市中心燃放著煙花慶祝,不只Syros, 雅典、Mykonos, Santorini, Rhodes, Patras, Thessalonniki…也有啊!
On Saturday night Greeks attend a midnight mass and each of them carried a long candle (as long as 2-3 m). Candle lighting takes places at the end of the Easter mass. In an entire darkness environment, a single flame is used to light the candles held by worshippers, it was then passing one by one to everyone in the church.  No wonder I saw very long candles selling at the supermarket and also in some churches!! The entire experience was very pleasant and  touching ! Fire works were made on squares in the evening to mark the celebration, in our island big fire display was made in front of the harbor. Not only in Athen, also at  Mykonos, Santorini, Rhodes , Patras, Thessalonniki!

Easter Sunday 

According to the tradition, every family was gathered together at their home in country side for the celebration of end of Lent.  Roast whole lamb on a giant spit over charcoal are made for lunch on Easter Sunday in the open air or  their country house.
我們那天晚上看到週街 (TV)也有希臘人燒烤全小羊,真是沒有誇大的!

I was told whoever walking by, can go to join those persons who is roasting the lamb on the street or in the village. Just feel free to  say hi !


包租婆 Irina 告訴我們那些小羊來自保加利亞 、羅馬尼亞。

Oh !! how many lamb will be killed ?? It is  the first day that they can eat meat after the 40 days of Lent . They start roasting the lamb in the morning on Sunday and it takes about 4-5 hours to have the whole lamb cook  and is  a  pure family activites and they also dance (greek folk dance) after the meal.  

Continue tomorrow for our Easter BBQ