2010年7月1日 星期四


有意大利人在 買左包原來白色的水牛芝士回家,

打開後, 觸目驚心, 不知什麼東東, 慢慢變成藍色,

專家話, 不是細菌, 是什麼化學性 !!經空氣妾觸後啦

如是紅色似加左蕃茄或綠色似加spinach !

意大利標殲的製品開包後要睇真d 有不變化才敢食! 有否見過這款水牛芝士 blue Mozzerella??

新聞話德國製造, 意大利標殲的製品, 
不過德國製造又怎可叫mozzerella ??

On Saturday June 19, 2010, 1:38 pm EDT

ROME (AP) -- Italian police confiscated some 70,000 balls of mozzarella in Turin after consumers noticed the milky-white cheese quickly developed a bluish tint when the package was opened, authorities said Saturday.

Agriculture Minister Giancarlo Galan ordered ministry laboratories to investigate what he called a "disturbing" development.

State TV said a woman in Turin called police after noticing that the mozzarella, made in Germany for an Italian company, turned blue after contact with air, and that several merchants in Turin had received similar complaints. Later in the day another consumer, in Trento, a city 200 kilometers (125 miles) to the east in northern Italy, made a similar discovery, authorities said.

Samples were sent to laboratories that normally deal with anti-doping testing in sport to see if they could detect any foreign substances.

Results were expected in a few days.

Health Minister Ferruccio Fazio alerted German authorities and the European Commission to the apparently tainted mozzarella, the health ministry said.

No cases of illness were immediately reported.

The mysterious blue mozzarella was the latest embarrassment for a food that is a point of pride for Italians and a staple in pizzas, panini and even the signature "caprese" salad in the red-white-and-green colors of the national flag -- ripe tomatoes, creamy rich cheese and fragrant basil leaves.

Most prized of all the mozzarella is the kind made from buffalo milk. But earlier this year, Italian agriculture authorities said some of the buffalo mozzarella, which comes from an area south of Rome, had fallen below standard after traces of cow's milk were found in it.

Two years earlier, tests at hundreds of Italian mozzarella production plants found high levels of dioxin in some samples of buffalo milk. That scare led some countries to suspend imports.

Buffalo mozzarella enjoys Europe's Protected Designation of Origin label, meaning the real thing has to be made following strict criteria, including using only buffalo milk.

After blue mozzarella surfaced, the Italian agriculture lobby Coldiretti lamented that many consumers don't know that half the mozzarella sold in Italy is made from foreign-produced milk. It is pushing for legislation that would oblige producers to the origin of all ingredients on the label.

Currently, only cartons of fresh milk must indicate where the contents come from. Makers of yogurt, powdered milk and cheeses can use imported milk without mentioning it on the label.

Authorities didn't immediately make public the name of the German company making the suspect mozzarella or the Italian label on it.

The health ministry said areas in Italy where the blue mozzarella might be put on sale were put on alert in case the product shows up in stores.

July 03

今天意大利的農產品公會,  於奧地利邊境Brennero highway 檢查 外來貨櫃車,

又找到入口意大利標殲的製品, 荷蘭, 德國, Lativia 製造,

又一欺騙消費者的技倆, 黑箱操作?? 天下烏雅一樣黑!

During the protest, border police inspected trucks bringing milk, meat and other products into Italy as farmers totting the yellow and green banners of Coldiretti cheered.

“We want to know what is coming and where it’s going,” Coldiretti said in a statement. “People who buy have the right to know if what they’re buying is really made in Italy.”

同埸加央依賴人手製造的水牛芝士 buffalo mozzerella 製造過亦呈,

7 則留言:

  1. 好驚噃.....籃色 !!! 我都有聽聞這件事.

  2. 噢!地利 Oh!tria2010年7月7日 晚上9:48

    [版主回覆07/08/2010 19:32:00]以藍ching 靈!

  3. 是化學性?   即係點呀? 製作過程落咗化學野?   都幾恐怖,不過佢哋係唔係本來想賣比Avata裡面住係 Pandora 個啲土人㗎
    [版主回覆07/10/2010 20:14:00]The German company has said a harmless germ found in groundwater was responsible for the blue hue of the cheese and had been filtered out starting in mid-May.

  4. 少女峰下的花子2010年7月9日 晚上7:59

    [版主回覆07/20/2010 05:57:00]好似係專門為供應平價超市製造, 幸好我地從來唔會去那間超市!

  5. So scary!!! I like buffalo mozzerella ar... have to be very very careful.
    [版主回覆07/15/2010 20:34:00]開包後要睇真d 有不變化才敢食!

  6. Luca媽@Azerbaijan2010年7月12日 清晨7:52

    [版主回覆07/14/2010 21:30:00]俄羅斯都有出mozzeralla ? Fres product is always the best !
    I hope they did not put' made in italy '  like those from Germany.

  7. 還以為這樣的事情只會在中國發生,現在連歐洲也有這樣的奸商!
    [版主回覆07/20/2010 05:56:00]好似係專門為供應平價超市製造, 幸好我地從來唔會去那間超市!
