心也冷下來, 幸好中央暖氣靠得住, 否則要穿上毛衣吧!
放眼望去盡是藍天碧海, 翠綠的山谷,
每年這時候那裡的活火山也活躍起來, 再看到火山內熱烘烘的岩漿及
海灘上的珊瑚礁與湛藍的印度洋 , 冷冷的心立刻溫暖起來,
想起那兒青擰的香味, 幸而這邊有兩家吃留尼旺菜的餐廳,
由於人口由客家人、印度人及非洲人結合, 飲食文化也是印度化,
用上大量香了料, 她們叫這些咖喱Carri (Carry), Massalé,
火山島盛產蕃紅花 Saffron, Saffron 是 常用於料理,
再加上 洋、蔥彊, 由南美洲傳入的蕃茄及其它香料,
也有不同成份香料的印度Massalé 。
當地人吃飯好簡單, 是飯和豆類為主, , 無論主菜是雞, 豬, 魚, 蝦,
腸 Roughail saucisses, 煙肉排Ti Jacque 等, 必定伴飯吃, 配及一碗豆類,
Lentil , 紅腰豆之類的豆Red Bean 等和一些沙律(菜)。
這兒多印度教徒, 餐廳很少牛肉, 要吃牛扒便要自家弄或移玉步到法式餐廳。
這些Creole 咖喱, 本身不太辣, 吃時必定伴飯及再加三小碟Roughail。
當地人餐桌上必有的三小碟 pepper Roughail , Archard,
tomato Roughail , 一種當地秘製 spicy relish , side dish,
全是辣椒製成, Kimchi 一樣功能!
如是正宗必定辣到出煙, 內有洋蔥, 蕃茄, 辣椒油等等。
另一伴菜Achard, 一種當地秘由白椰菜, 紫椰菜、紅蘿蔔切絲, 混合辣油,
下圖黃色小碟是芒果醬 Roughail Mangue (relice ) 不要以為生果便是甜不辣,
相反卻是辣到出煙, 辣到跳舞。
同印度咖哩飯的黃色芒果醬Mango Chutney同出一拙,
頭盆炸魚丸, 內裡也混合了紅辣椒,
雜錦湃併盤有炸蝦, 炸丸子, 釀Crabe Farci, Boudin Creole 血腸,
Samosa, Bonbon piments, Achard du legumes,
Roughail Morue, 泰狄熊最愛, cod fish!
Cari de Langouste with ginger mangue
Combava or The Kaffir lime is a citrus fruit 比青檸醜樣,
據說來自印尼,有一種獨有香味, 味道以檸檬葉,
this is a lime which found in Reunion Island, it looks owesome..
Carri Langouste with Ginger and Mangue
coconut pudding,
好掛住Gateau Patate douce, 蕃薯 tarte
Hahah, I have forgotten what 留尼旺 is in English. I have seen the TV commercial about Reunion Island on TV5. It is a beautiful place.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/21/2010 00:11:00]留尼旺 is in English is Reunion. I like this small island.
如果係正宗既話, d 野食會勁辣, 咁你而家食果d 係咪小辣?? 有冇特別既飲品去止辣?
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/20/2010 23:13:00]after adding the Roughail to d 野食, 會勁辣,
so I ask for skipping '辣', 而家食果d 小辣,
特別既飲品去止辣- local people drink a lot of beer.
I can't recall if there is any special drink, but they like Rum, al kinds of fruit punch, mango, pineapple...
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/20/2010 23:14:00]機票 and hotel was paid by the company, so I don't know how much does it cost!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/25/2010 22:59:00]yes, it is horrible. It took me a long time to take the first step to give a try. After the first time, I fell in love with the smell.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/25/2010 23:42:00]the main dish is not too spices but I ve to drink coke while eating. in fact, there are also seafood restaurants on the beach area, so no need to worry.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/25/2010 22:56:00]唔食得辣 can try the western food, there are many french restaurants and seafood restaurants on the seaside.