2008年9月13日 星期六

千塔之城San Gimignano

自駕歐遊托斯卡納 Toscana其中一大樂趣是



一個教人難忙的中古城鎮有千塔之城美譽的San Gimignano

'San Gimignano delle belle Torri', 離 Florence 56km,


在進入山城前, 在遠處已可看欣賞一下塔城14座塔樓的全景!

 it was about 10 am in the morning  and we spent half an hour looking for a parking.
There were two to three parking at each gate!

In the friction by John Grisham,  The Broker, Joel Backman takes his second wife on vacation in Italy to keep her from divorcing him. They rent a fourteenth –century monastery near San Gimignano for a month. After reading his book, we made a trip to visit this little town, a medieval town famous among the Italians.


有眺望、守禦的用途, 是全義大利保存最好的





The patrician families who controlled the town built around 72 tower-
houses (some as high as 50 m) as symbols of their wealth and power.

Although only 13 have survived, San Gimignano has retained its
 feudal atmosphere and appearance.

The towers

1990年,意大利古城San Gimignano被列入世界遺產名單。

San Gimignano是山城,300 m above sea level,

San Gimignano  served as an important relay point for pilgrims,

travelling to or from Rome  on the Via Francigena.

追遡十世紀,由Modena主教San Gimignano建城,

至今仍保留部份城牆, 城牆區內行人專用區, 嚴禁非居民汽車進入;

all car must park outside the wall

Image:San Gimignano - Torres.JPG
pic from web

We went to Siena on 25 July of 2005 the day after the hottest day in the summer,  it was so hot that we give up the idea of climbling up the tower! That year, there were hit waves striking Europe again.  Even though it was about 40c still there were tourists everywhere.  It is one of the most popular town for tourists.

San Gimignano

穿過San Matteo gate    Via San Giovanni 行到上去廣場,好 熱呢!

10am in the morning,  it was already 30 C. 

many people is having 都攞住杯好味 意大利gelato 雪糕on hand!

Entering from north, San Matteo Gate walking towards the south

 Via San Giovanni to the San Giovanni Gate.

Street looking uphill from hotel

Through via San Matteo  lead  to Piazza del Duomo.

at Piazza del Duomo,  finds the  la Collegiata  (小教堂),

next to it is Town hall,  Palazzo del Popolo and Torre Grossa,

View from Torre Grossa

view from Tower Grossa (pic from wiki)***

opposite to La collegiate  is Palazzo Vecchio del Podest (1239),

the oldest tower,  from the stairs leads to Museo Civico, 



穿廣場 行到Palazzo Vecchio del Podesta (1239),

from the stairs in front of the la Collegiata

San Gimignano

除了這些古建築,城中亦有不少藝術品收藏在 教堂、博物館裡
RomanesqueLa Collegiata 教堂,  Sant ‘Agostino, Museo Civico,
 Museo d’Arte Sacra

Image:Gregorius de Grote kondigt de dood aan van Fina.jpg

Fresco of San Fatina Pic from web

The town also has several masterpieces of 14th- and 15th-century Italian art.  It is  an extraordinary treasure chest, not to miss.

小教堂 La CollegiataFresco, the two side are extensively covered with dramatic  cycles of scenes from the Bibles.

The north side comprise 26 episodes from old Testament, including the creation of Adam and Eve, Noah and his Ark , Moses crossing the Red sea and the creation (1367) by Bartolo di Fredi.

The south side are the life of Christ by Lippo Memmi,

While at the back of the Nave walls are scenes from the Last Judgement painted by Taddeo di Bartolo (1393- 36).


Piazza della cisterna,ringed by a group of unspoilt 13th and 14 th century palazzo, built in 1237.
in Museo Civico , one of the last works to be painted by Pinturicchio. the Madonna with Saints Gregory and the Benedict (1511)




View from the Torre Grossa

San Gimignano是山城, 城牆眺望 Val d’Elsa 葡萄vineyard,




Many people think Tuscany white wine are less interesting than reds. Most Tuscan white wine is made from the Trebbiano grape called Galestro a dry bianco (white).

But Vernaccia di San Gimignano is an exceptionally good one.

Vernaccia (left)
1966全意大利第一支獲得政府評為DOC (標準酒質控制)的葡萄酒。


DOC = Denominazione di Origine Controllata

DOCG = Donominazione di Origine Controllate e Garantita









DOCG:Denominazione di origine controllata e Gauantita




如托斯卡尼的Chianti 、皮蒙特Piemonte的Barolo都是此等級。

DOC:Denominazione di origine controllata原產地名稱管制。


View from hotel room (in the medieval section)

Where to get wines in San Gimignano,

At via San Matteo, there are many trattoria and Osteria, enoteca (shops for wines) and shops for local product catered for the local residents. Price are better in compare with those at Via Giovanni.

On the way going up to the wall city, there are many Osterie (Osteria) for wine.  We have lunch at one of the Osterie and the food is delicious!

Vino Santo with Cantucci

Vino Santo is made from Holy wine is a traditional wine once made on farms throughout the region and now seeing a revival of interest from modern producers. It is sweet and often offered with Cantucci, small almond biscuits.

Vino Santo is made from Trebbiano and Malvasia madeinto wine and then aged in small barrels for a number of years before bottling. The best are very concentrated in flavour.

Shops closed on monday morning

www. San Gimignano.com

8 則留言:

  1. I miss this beautiful town! I wonder if that wild boar is still outside that shop?

  2. 列入世界遺產!!!! 如果有好多$$$$$去遠d地方旅遊,真會想起它! Thanks!

  3. 古代版曼哈頓
    [版主回覆09/16/2008 06:43:00]but the twin s tower is still there!


  4. 這裡風景很美麗,多謝分享
    [版主回覆09/30/2008 01:20:00]I am in love of the lanscape of tuscany,  the scenes are completely different in 4 seasons. In late summer, it is golden broan colour. 

  5. 引死我也 !我最愛【 中古城鎮 村落 】 ...... 唔得啦,明年真要好好計劃去探你,同你一齊去【 中古城鎮 村落 】尋幽探古!
    [版主回覆09/26/2008 05:29:00]you ar emost welcome. pls let us know earlier as if you want to stay in nice farm house with air conditioning , reservations must be done at least 6 months advance.

  6. Tuscany真係度度都好靚啊 妳同teddy bear去哂咁多個town未呀?
    [版主回覆09/30/2008 01:18:00]I think we went to about 20 % only , there are many spring/ thermal in Tuscany where I  would like to go again.

  7. 意大利托斯卡納 是我下一個目標, 極力推介你 , 下次 不防 深度行 「羅瓦爾河谷古堡」。 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/joenylee/article?mid=35
    [版主回覆11/18/2008 16:37:00]深度行 「羅瓦爾河谷古堡」thank you for your suggestion!
    I  ve done it in on the first summer when I first move to europe!
    我覺得很享受亦覺得很精彩  . Glad to share your experience!
     I'm interested in 深度德國遊, 羅曼蒂克 之路 ,
      I would like to go there with my husband!
