2008年9月8日 星期一

意大利飯 Risotto II


意大利 有味飯!Risotto之所以著名,

把洋蔥 ,芹菜和胡蘿卜切成成為, 起鑊炒香

Risotto米飯里需要加的是蔬菜汁, 蔬菜高湯,
她需要的是20分鐘不停的攪拌, 不停加蔬菜汁,
保証不糊平底鍋里,加水就不是 Risotto !!  。 

就是在做好的米飯中加入parmasan cheese,

持續攪拌直至所有的cheese與之混合 。

Risotto and Risi:  Italian Rice

意北Lombardy 擁有片一平原 Po River Valle
因此意北以稻米為主食, 有自己獨特的米飯,
就是Risotto (Italian rice)!!  使用很常見的Arborio米 ,
Piemonte and Veneto ,Venetian 的Carnaroli ,
意大利米相比于中國大米,Italian rice更有韌性,
四種類穀粒, comune(ordinary), semifino, fino(small),

Arborio 是最合適Risotto的材料!

Italy is the leading producer of rice in Europe, with the majority of it being grown in the abundant Po river valley. Lombardy is home to the best rice growing area, the Lomellina, while Piedmonte and the Veneto also have bountiful rice harvests. Rice thrives so well in the 'Po valley' that first courses of risotto are more common than pasta and are a great way to serve whatever is in season, from seafood to wild mushrooms (such as Porcini) to meat and game.

Types of Italian Rice

Italy grows mostly short, barrel shaped rice that is different than the long-grain rice that is usually boiled or steamed. Among this type of rice are four categories based on grain size: comune, semifino, fino, and superfino.

The superfino rice is the type most used for risotto, with Arborio being the most recognized outside of Italy. However, Venetian cooks prefer the Carnaroli variety, which was invented in the 1950's. Baldo is another variety well-known for making excellent risotto and among the semifino; Vialone Nano is also popular - with the Veronese variety given a PGI designation.
Risotto Fredo

Rice salad, or insalata di riso, is one of those classic Italian summer dishes


夜晚的氣溫仍然30 C,  九月仍然熱到27, 28 C

唔願煮飯唔願煮pasta,  熱得太緊要, 食也唔願

整simple D , 來個沙律 cool 一 cool,

Insalate di riso !

If you are lazy  ,

只要煮熟啲飯,  放涼, 然後加把烚蛋  ,


If you can't get mixed vegetables, here is the receipe,

one very popular Risotto in the summer is Rice salad or insalata di Riso 

1 1/2 cups (300 g) parboiled rice (the grains should not stick)

Either: An 8-ounce (200 g) can tuna, drained and shredded,

 and four canned sardines, boned and shredded Or: 1 hot dog,

cooked and sliced, and a 1/4 pound (100 g) slab of ham,

diced 1/4 pound (100 g) Fontina or Swiss cheese, diced

1/4 cup pitted, sliced black olives

 1 pickled bell pepper, diced

 2 ripe, peeled, seeded tomatoes, diced (optional)

1/4 cup mushrooms in oil, diced (optional)

1-2 tablespoons cooked peas (optional)

 1/4 cup pickled button onions (optional)

2 hard boiled eggs, sliced or quartered (optional)

1 tablespoon rinsed salted or pickled capers (optional)

 2 pickled artichoke hearts, sliced (optional)

1 tablespoon minced parsley 1/4 cup olive oil or mayonnaise

A tablespoon of lemon juice Salt and pepper to taste

(receipe from web)

Risotto caldo (hot Risotto)
Risotto alla Milanese
炒至湯水收乾,然後再加一羹雞湯(or 蔬菜高湯),
大約20分鐘 , 加入蕃茜贊入白酒炒至收水,
把saffron 混合意大利米中,
然後將parmarsan cheese混合加,

A well prepared risotto  may be the most rich and flavorful dish you may ever eat. Risotto is made with great care, braising the rice and allowing it to absorb the cooking liquid, usually broth.  The special rice used in the preparation lends its starches to the cooking liquid, giving the risotto a rich consistency that in some ways resembles a heavy cream sauce.

The actual braising of the rice is a standard procedure starting with the rice being toasted in a soffrito (chopped vegetables such as onion, garlic, carrots and celery), before broth is ladled in slowly. What makes each risotto unique is the local ingredients that give the dish its character.

hot Italian Rice -- ps refer to the previous blog for Crayfish Risotto and Risotto with truffles

different favour

Green (verde) -  with Asparagus, with pesto

yellow  (Giallo) -  with Saffron,  Risotto alla milanese 

Risotto alla Milanese is arguably the most famous Italian rice dish, flavored with saffron and resembles Spanish paella, which makes sense due to the Spanish rulership over Milan for nearly two centuries

black (nero)  - with Squid Ink,

brown (brun) - with porcini

 In Piedmonte it is not unusual to find risotto with truffles or made with red Barolo wine

white (biano) - 4 cheese quarto formaggi

Seafood Risotto

In the  Veneto and especially the city of Venice, seafood risotto is a mainstay, with risotto with sauted eels being a Christmas tradition.

in Liguria; Genoa(Genova), Savon(Savona), seafood risotto is very popular dish.

different type of ready made  Risotto , take 12 minutes to cook.

食到成個咀、成條--  Risotto with squid   食完馬上就刷牙!!!

Risotto is completely versatile, and goes just as well flavored with
cuttlefish ink (Nero di Sepia)

or with Prosciutto di San Danielle;

with butter and Parmigiano-Reggiano (added just before serving - Risotto Mantecato) or

with wildfowl like quail (Risotto con la Quaglie).

Whatever ingredients used, the cooking technique will blend and smooth out all of the flavors into one incredibly flavorful dish.

14 則留言:

  1. 肯定食到成個 咀 、成條 脷 黑 哂!

    [版主回覆09/15/2008 05:07:00]also the teeth, it is a dish for home only!!

  2. 加多個冰冰做甜品啦!

  3. risotto,好味!

  4. 真係好多款, 好多味 .......
    [版主回覆09/15/2008 05:08:00]sometimes, we bought the ready made one as we are lazy.

  5. 南部仲熱呀! 你果邊仲好熱呀? 我都好鍾意食 Risotto, 不過我未食過 Risotto沙律呀, 妳話果d雜菜係唔係超市入面玻璃樽果d呀? 好想試呀!
    [版主回覆09/15/2008 05:28:00]It was still 28 C last week, evening is a bit cooler.
    d雜菜係超市入面玻璃樽果 D, bingo, yes.
    I forgot to take the pic,  

  6. very detail indeed. So many ingredients though which takes a while to buy  them all...

  7. 墨汁飯,正!

  8. On a acheté une dizaine paquets de risotto la dernière fois à Rome.

  9. Rice salad, pasta salad, I love them both!
    [版主回覆09/15/2008 05:12:00]at first I found it very strange,  we used to make Rice salad in Genova during summer , my husband's favourite dish, 

  10. risotto 好好味, 不過總係覺得好蝦人煮.
    [版主回覆09/16/2008 01:47:00]她需要的是  20分鐘不停的攪拌 , 不停加蔬菜汁,
     保証不糊平底鍋里  。   must concetrate on it. 
    so you can not surf on intenet,

  11. 唔係嘛,九月份意大利仲咁熱 ?同香港一樣喎。
    九月一日我離開莫斯科,那處巳 9℃並一直向下降 .............!
    [版主回覆09/15/2008 05:30:00]It was still 28 C last week when  we  went for hiking.
     Moscow is in Northern Europe so at least 20 degree different.

  12. 墨汁飯.....約會千祈唔好食, hahaha, 成咀黑點kiss得落 个人認為, 墨汁冇味, haha
    [版主回覆09/15/2008 05:01:00]haha  so it's like Lam ah Jan imagine before you kiss,
    your partner is smelling with you with teeth stained with black ink.
    we eat 墨汁飯 at home only ...

  13. Risotto with Squid,正呀! What about Orzo? Do you consider it as rice or pasta? I always get confuse with it...
    [版主回覆09/15/2008 05:02:00]Orzo is bqrley, we cook it almost like rice and condimented with Pesto.
    I like it especially in winter, I discovered this in Tuscany.

  14. Ah... I never tried it with Pesto... I should try it sometimes!! I didn't know this food until our Itailan friend in NYC cooked it for us once...with squid, so yummy!
