Recap of April 12 ,2005
如今憧憬一幕幕地成真,我站在 Syros的海邊,呼吸這里的空氣,展開燦爛的笑容,留下我的足跡啊!我真是一個幸運的人!
Syros 這小島是在 Cyclades 群島的正中央,因此便成為它的商業、行政、文化 中心。在公元二千多年前已有人居住,還曾經嘖測風雲是東地中海各島中的大哥大,一個最富裕、最有權勢的商阜。可借今非昔比,但仍維持它的行政、文化中心 的地位。
Syros is the commercial, administrative and the cultural centre of Cyclades . In the 19th Century Syros become a wealthy and powerful port in the eastern Mediterranean . .
The inhabitants converted to Catholicism under the French Capuchins in the Middle Age. Nowadays, the town is divided into Catholic (left side) and Orthodox (on right side). There are two church on the top of each hill.
走出碼頭區,有點像到了有車行的長洲或南丫島的感覺,這小島唯一可取是交通對外四通八達;**對希臘人來說幾方便,每天有兩至三班船 (Superfast ferry)或 Blue Ferry 到 Andros, Tinos, Mykonos, Paros, Naxos,其實是在 Pireas 開過 來的;也有船住遠些少的 Milos, Samos, , Santorini, Thessaloniki 但並非每天也有,重要糸紅白色又舊又慢那種。
The commercial Port, Ermpoupoli.named after Hermes, the god of commerce. In the 19th Century it was Greece leading port and a coal station with a huge harbour and shipyards. The ambiance is a little bit like that of Cheung Chau in the port area as there are many bar , taverns , pizzeria, cafe and pub along the pier.
an Orthodox Church
Look !! this is a real cat, She/he is looking at me !
perhaps, he has never seen any Asian on this island.
隻貓好得意, 呢度成日有貓走過!
The living standard on the island is quite high, thing are pretty expensive. The cost for eating in a restaurant is almost the same as in France . But in France, the restaurants are more elegant. Even in the small gite, those places for individual tourists who drive their cars around the country for exploration.
What's a lovely island
回覆刪除隻貓好得意. 希臘d貓真係多到離譜... 從船上看呢個島好靚呢
回覆刪除糸呀!!, 去 Mykonos 時, D 船先停這個島的。
回覆刪除excellent pictures. make my cloudy days shinny!