2008年7月28日 星期一



巴塞隆納治安不好, 小偷搶劫功夫無奇不有,不止有吉卜賽人,

更有來自南美洲的秘魯小偷& Chile 、智利等國家的流動人口在找生計。



how tactful are they??

They will create a scenario and tried to approach you !

When we were living in Barcelona three years ago,

we have encountered a trap which organised by a group of Periusans


One sunday evening, after visiting La Sagrada Familia, Teddy bear &

Petite Poupee were strolling along the Avinguda de Gaudi towards

 the Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau.

having the previous  bad experience with the gypsies, I was highly alert while we were walking along the avenue. Some supsicious South Americans were spreading along the road.  One of them chit chat with Teddy bear in Spanish. They said that they were from Chile or Peru, who knows if they are speaking the truth. I noticed a south american woman was walking next us .  While she was walking, she was holding a phone on  her right hand and talking in a high tone with someone. So I was looking at her with cautious and she sounds strange to me as I felt that something wrong. The voice was so high that it I have doubt if anyone was on the other side.

我們在罪教堂附近的街道走了走, 看見有這麼多南美洲的人, 
便保持警覺狀態, 這時有可疑的南美洲的女人靠近 , 
仔細觀察了女人,  裝作沒有看見我們, 在使用電話大聲說話,
聲調語態提高了八度, 正在引起我懷疑。

Suddenly,  I felt some thick liquid was dropped onto my face. At first we thought it was from the birds shit who were staying on top of the tree.  Since that substance  almost hit at the corner of my eyes and I've to closed my eyes.  I was so scared at that moment, and was screaming to Teddy bear for help and also told him to keep an eye on my purse. Of course we tried to clean that shit as soon as possible, and wondering what that shit could be??   Then, one south American man approached us and offered us some water, while the Southern American woman who was walking next to us gave us some tissue paper.

忽然感到有黏膠的物質吹到我臉上,  好像泥濘的綠色物質;
起初從樹上跌落禽鳥雀屎,  好似, 幾近跌進入眼睛裡面,
當時嚇壞了的 ,  尖叫著, 泰狄熊拿一張紙巾,
幫我去除雀屎(綠色黏膠), 這女人拿了一張紙巾供給 ,
並且幫助泰狄熊清潔, 泰狄熊他襯衫上沒有污跡???
另外一南美洲的男人給我們 水,  迅速把面孔弄乾淨,
這時想一想, 事有蹊蹺的, 上當la!! 編造的圈套, 
一連串的詭計, 一整套陰謀...扒手的詭計,

南美洲女人的意圖??  目的????
我沒想到會使自己陷入陷阱  !!

While I was cleaning that green substance,  it smell like the odour of chemical, or colour pain.  I felt something wrong and at the same time, Teddy Bear was Giggling and crying that he did not need to be cleaned.   As the south American woman has also cleaning his trousers. Teddy bear told them that he did not have any stain at all.   I saw her tissue paper has those green substance on it.  That was suspicious!


my cautious alarm again. It's  trap! 

I cried out stop and told teddy bear to hold his wallet. we decided to leave that place at once with the stain still on my face.

While we were walking, we reformed the story once again, realizing that while that woman was cleaning Teddy Bear, in fact, she was searching for his wallet. Luckily, he wore a trousers with seven pockets and she was not able to find his wallet.


Gaudi = 怪物, Monster UFO..??

第三次終於都有勇氣入去! 因為人們說西班牙名建築師GAUDI 天才!


Before I refused to visit any Museum of Gaudi especially the monster look La Sagrada Familia.  I have a fantasies that it is a big monster. 

After visiting this Moument, I discovered  Gaudi  was a geuniues, his work is not out from the space,  the column of the La Sagrada Familia  was the idea inspires from trees, they are the branches of trees.
Templo Expiatorio de La Sagarda Famimia originally designed by Antoni Gaudí (1852 – 1926), who worked on the project for over 40 years, devoting the last 15 years of his life entirely to the endeavor, the project is scheduled to be completed in 2026.

from Wikipeidi

西班牙巴塞罗那的一个教堂,从1882年修建,因为是赎罪教堂,资金的来源主要靠捐款,捐款的多少直接影响到工程进度的快慢,所以至今还未完工,是世界上唯一一个,还未完工就被列为世界遗产的建筑物。这个教堂不是大主教做礼拜的地方,所以不是大教堂,只是个设计别的教堂而已,而且,虽然已建了126年还未完工,但和德国耗时 600 年才建好的科隆大教堂比起来,根本算不上“世界上耗时最长的工程”。

Every part of the design of La Sagrada Família is rich with Christian symbolism, as Gaudí intended the church to be the "last great sanctuary of Christendom". Its most striking aspect is its spindle-shaped towers. A total of 18 tall towers are called for, representing in ascending order of height the Twelve Apostles, the four Evangelists, the Virgin Mary and, tallest of all, Jesus Christ

the close up pics

  • 2008年8月28日下午6:06
  • 咦!你既經驗同我0既一個好朋友同佢2個旅伴有8成似, 佢地在西班牙 (我唔記得邊個town) 晚上行行下樓上有d好似雀屎跌落其中一個女仔度, 之後就有人走出來幫手, 比紙巾同水佢地抹, 抹抹下佢地覺得d 暖暖的雀屎原來係..
    咦!你既經驗同我0既一個好朋友同佢2個旅伴有8成似, 佢地在西班牙 (我唔記得邊個town) 晚上行行下樓上有d好似雀屎跌落其中一個女仔度, 之後就有人走出來幫手, 比紙巾同水佢地抹, 抹抹下佢地覺得d 暖暖的雀屎原來係融左既朱古力, 警覺時其中一個女仔的手袋已經唔見左喇! 大家去西班牙真係要小心d呀!
    • Petite poupee @安提比
      Petite poupee @安提比
      • Petite poupee @安提比
      • 2008年8月28日下午9:31
      wah exactly the same !! 樓上有d好似雀屎跌落! - I really thought it was 雀屎 and hen I smell something like chemical. I was lucky I didnot loose anything.
  • Vin Lo
    Vin Lo
    • Vin Lo
    • 2008年8月27日上午12:11
    One day i must visit this place!
    btw, have you come across gypsies pickpocketers?
    • Petite poupee @安提比
      Petite poupee @安提比
      • Petite poupee @安提比
      • 2008年8月27日上午5:13
      yes, we did, we were able to defence ourself.
      又愛又恨巴塞隆納- 扒手篇
  • 馬克 (Mark)
    馬克 (Mark)
    • 馬克 (Mark)
    • 2008年8月26日上午11:33
  • Yahoo! 用戶
    Yahoo! 用戶
    • Yahoo! 用戶
    • 2008年8月24日上午7:30
    Wow... sounds 好危險喎﹗ 好彩妳夠醒目咋﹗ 真係要小心呀﹗﹗
  • 夜貓
    • 夜貓
    • 2008年8月23日下午4:23
    我去 barcelona 時, 好彩冇人企圖埋黎偷野. 不過有人主動話幫我地拎相, 又有當地人古古怪怪咁問我地邊度有麥記....
  • S
    • S
    • 2008年8月23日上午5:04
    很奇怪!這座 教堂給我詭異的感覺,曾到過兩次不過都不願入內
    • Petite poupee @安提比
      Petite poupee @安提比
      • Petite poupee @安提比
      • 2008年8月24日上午6:41
      曾到過兩次不過都不願入內 , 三次終於都有勇氣入去!
      Since everyone saying he is a geniunes, I was wondering why didn't I put off my stubborn idea and checked it out!
      證實了他 創意無限, 有才智, Gaudi = 天才!
  • Silvia
    • Silvia
    • 2008年8月23日上午12:30
    • Petite poupee @安提比
      Petite poupee @安提比
      • Petite poupee @安提比
      • 2008年8月24日上午6:42
      這時 想一想, 事有蹊蹺的, 編造的圈套, 上當la!!
  • Chan
    • Chan
    • 2008年8月22日下午4:16
    Sounds very dangerous Great pictures
  • Jokey
    • Jokey
    • 2008年8月22日下午4:00
    • Petite poupee @安提比
      Petite poupee @安提比
      • Petite poupee @安提比
      • 2008年8月24日上午6:44
      我 當時嚇壞了的 , 恐懼的尖叫著 泰狄熊 , 拿了一張紙巾 ,
  • Yahoo! 用戶
    Yahoo! 用戶
    • Yahoo! 用戶
    • 2008年8月22日下午1:44
    當年我和小白到 Barcelona 旅行時都是小心翼翼, 不過就大步渡過, 無驚無險.
    我特別喜歡小 Barcelona, 很 relax 的海邊呢.
  • Szechung Kayaker Szechung Kayaker
    "專門教導扒手的學校" .... Oliver Twist! You were so smart in commanding a self protective act, saving the wallet and purses of Teddy and you!!
    • Petite poupee @安提比 Petite poupee @安提比
      這時 想一想, 事有蹊蹺的, 編造的圈套, 上當la!!
  • Little Paris Little Paris
    你估我地可唔可以見證La Sagrada Familla 完工?我覺得無可能啦。 你所描述的事真的是有驚無險呢!
    • Petite poupee @安提比 Petite poupee @安提比
      four more years to come!
      got to be careful whereever we go in spain.
  • 少女峰下的花子 少女峰下的花子
    • Petite poupee @安提比 Petite poupee @安提比
      ve the same feeling, 三次終於都有勇氣入去!
      Since everyone saying he is a geniunes, I was wondering why didn't I put off my stbborn idea and checked it out!
      證實了他 創意無限, 有才智 天才!

  • 沒有留言:
