比正常溫度低 3 - 4度, 一早一晚七度...
這幾天午間天氣像似和暖, 沒陽光那天, 仍是冬季,
旁晚氣 急轉直下!﹗絕不可Relax!!!
呢幾年升呢做左中女, 一踏入寒冬, 皮膚會拉得好緊,
更要不停保濕, 保濕, 尤其家中暖氣開放, 乾上加乾呀!
各位在住歐洲港太, 有什麼心得?
我以前好鬼懶, 唔多楂油淋淋的護膚品,
呢幾年來這兒冬天已不合用, 終於給我找到本地貨,
好多時在機場 Duty Free Shop 試用, 後才改用本地貨 !
所以偏乾, 巴黎朋友介紹我用的Bioderma御裝水,
回家用御裝水一擦擦, 補上護膚霜,不會兒,
皮膚已變回去殼雞蛋, 今季的救星是 Bioderma 御裝水,
'Dermorphil' hand cream ,護膚露, 勝在夠天然, 雜誌也推介!
晚上用Bioderma 御裝水洗完臉再 渣 Darphins - Predermine, 或
aromaic oil 便可法滋養成晚, 這三寶已成為我的面部寒冬系列好拍擋,
'我的手部寒冬系列好拍擋 -- Dermorphil' hand cream 潤手霜,
因為要洗菜煮飯, 隻手的皮膚又自己爆裂呀!有左佢, 免爆 裂!!
馬鞭草按摩油Provence - Huil Seche Pour Corps ,
帶有香茅檸檬薰香可作按摩油用具有 anti stress 的鎮靜作用,
Biotherm !! me too, I use Biotherm. But you can buy in HK, much much cheaper!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/21/2011 01:55:00]Nurisource is a line does not sell in HK, the cream is richer and thicker. Some cosmestic carry the same name but the ingredients are different from Asia and european market.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/22/2011 06:05:00]Bioderma是法國貨, 你要係香港買?? 熱那亞唔多覺, 我下次留意下!
在歐洲生活這幾年給我的感覺就是特別乾, 全年那一個季節都一樣. 這些保濕用品真是寶呀.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/26/2011 15:44:00]春夏天好好多, 上兩次回港仲睇埋中醫調理!
[版主回覆03/22/2011 03:41:00]你全線用Bioderma ?? 如果我早多兔幾年發現呢隻就好!
Biotherm我嫌乾呢! 你ok呀?
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/22/2011 03:37:00]我由初來混合性變左超乾, 要Biotherm 條歐洲 line Nurisource , 近年 點楂也乾, 但原來洗臉好緊要, 友人教我冬天唔好再用水洗, 我用棉花同Bioderma peaux sensible tre sec . 有時用 darphin !
I need to start taking care my skin.... I've been quite lazy for the past!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2011 14:10:00]yes, but many people says the skin will become softer an dbetter after giving birth to a child. how about you ??
你要留意某些skin care products 是含有防腐劑paraben的。
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2011 14:09:00]I went on internet to check this Paraben, but sometimes, those chemical names are so long and so similar, methylparaben ( E number E218), ethylparaben (E214), propylparaben (E216) and butylparaben .
係英國住 嗰時, 屋企 每個 角落都有 hand cream. 可能用熱水洗碗, 雖然有用手套, 但始終傷皮膚.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2011 14:06:00]me too, give me 5 ! 屋企 每個 角落都有,我車上也有枝!
as I always find my hand too dry when I 'm in the car.
My cream is Biotherm : Skin Vivo. in FRance from € 60 to € 69, but only HK$500 (500€) in HK. You can find it even cheaper in Sasa Cosmestics for only €35. The cosmestic products that I bought in Hk are as good as those in France according to my experience. ...
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/01/2011 17:01:00]I did n't notice this line, I will try the testing at the duty free shop next time when I travel. usualy, I bought at airport duty free shop whenI fly out from Europe.
Iv e doubt with Sasa as it is fully captured by Main landers, who knows where did they get those stuffs from,even in a cheaper price than those from Counter. In regarding, food and cosmetics I prefer to buy authentic products. I will only use 1 to 2 jar max per year and I dare not want to risk my life and face..
我都係用Bioderma 御裝水, 好好用!
回覆刪除不過法國平好多. EUR8.9一支大, HK 水貨都$138-$148 !!
你上年入手的雪花秀好用嗎? 今年我也打算買少少!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/25/2011 20:52:08]good , I use it in winter here, using something light in the summer, I will bring it here this wee