2008年12月13日 星期六

多je 香爐多隻鬼 (+料報告)

聖誕敲了門, 走進是時候準備 spice bread!
去在一家麵包房了一條Spice bread,22 euros  per Kg! $$!
 好, 是時候準備 DO it myself spice bread! 我好孤寒! it’s time to make  our own spice bread!
過去每次去响超市超市, 買嘢買滿一個袋嘢閒閒地成六,七十 Euro,
但是今年通貨膨脹, 百物暴漲!! d錢就更唔見洗,成 100 Euro!
說真好'和味' $$$ !!一條baguette 0.90 euros!!
麵包必需的食品, can't skip it! 

水晶晶大鄉里,  自從我4 年前頭一次在友人家跟
bread machine 見面, 發現美洲大陸
咩世界上有d咁既 homeware? 真係第一次知道有呢樣野!

I ve seen so many catering equipment such 

as Salamander, Robot....ha???  原來是Robot + oven!!! 

All in one?  Just put everything inside? all automatic!

mixing? Kneading?  Rising? Baking?   can make bread in 3 hours

我們已考慮半年下bread machine, 於是聖誕 blo 鎚,

Just when we took the machine from carre four, we find there is a special offer  with almost half the price of another brand,

so we  get this model! after the pasta machine!

泰狄熊 new玩具, !! 

Ladies & Gentlemen, 泰狄熊 new玩具!!

他的全部注意力都集中在整麵包此事上!a Casalingo!


真係好驚訝發現原來可以咁樣! 12 programmes,

white bread, wheat bread, French bread, Pasta, Pizza,  cake, jam , rapide,

 ultra rapide, sans gluten, self program, ...

第一次剪綵整 麵包bread!

waiting for the yeast to work after kneading!

our first production,   Boulangerie teddy bear ,

中央縮進去了的?? anyone knows 請給我講解一下!??

 bread with fruit & nuts! We made it on wednesday and today is still soft!
Can last for 3- 4 days. Unlike the french bread here, can only last for maximum two days becomes very hard ! 
Pain d'épices (gingerbread) originally comes from China and was imported in
France in the Middle Ages, in particular in East France, with the cities of Dijon and Reims as leading producers. Today, pain d'épices remains a specialty of Eastern France (Dijon, Alsace…). If you are visiting Burgundy and Dijon you have to go to the superb old shop "Mulot-Petitjean", the oldest local producer, that is maintaining the same recipe for 2 centuries.
Pain d'épices that usually contents 30% of honey is very energetic (180 calories for 1 slice) and was considered as a very good medicine.
There are various sorts of pain d'épices depending on region and cities, for example, some are with almonds or dried fruit.
Pain d'épices is specially appreciated by kids and is good at breakfast or
afterschool snack, either nature or with butter. Pain d'épices is prepared
without fermentation, fat, milk or egg whites

Tradition culinaires de l’Avent

Spice Bread

Honey,Miel   250 g

Hot milk       10 cl

Butter 100 g    

Flour 200G

Yeasts  1 pkt 10 g

Brown sugar  50 g

Egg 1 pc

Salt, pinch

Spice  mixture ,  Cinnemon, ginger,  muscade, walnuts ,  almond, peels of orange, clove.

1.    add honey into  the  warm milk .

2.   Add Butter into the Flour.

3.   Add  the honey and milk mixture into the Butter and flour.

4.    Put the yeast into the mixture and then brown sugar.

5.    Add ne egg and a pinch of salt.

6.   Add the spice (powder) for bread

7.   Put the mixture in the oven  180 C for 30 mins.

our Spice bread is very sucessful!

 Christmas stars

Butter 125 g     (in room temperature )

Flour 200G

Brown sugar  90 g

Egg  yolk 2 pc

Salt, pinch

Almond  powder or Walnuts powder  60 g

 Dry apple or Pears for decorations

1; Mixture Flour, Almonds, Sugar and a pinch of salt in a bowl or robot.

2  butter cut into small cubes and add bit by bit into the mixture.

3 Add the egg yolk and mixture well

4 knead the dough and roll it like a ball and leave it for  1 hour.

5 with a small spoon, take the pate out and roll it onto your hand.

6 Knead it again into a ball and it for another hour.

7 cut the dough into Star shape or the shape that you like. Cover with butter paper.

8 decorate with Almonds, Walnuts or dry apple or Pear.

Spring with icing sugar.

Bake it for 10 minutes

12 則留言:

  1. 難得泰狄熊兄肯做,你又有正 bread 食..多幾隻鬼都無問題啦..
    [版主回覆12/20/2008 07:07:00]又唔知會用得幾多次呢!!

  2. Petite poupee @安提比2008年12月13日 上午11:09

    more info here!

  3. 正喎....你老公的toy都幾好玩呀..哈哈 我都有唸過買個黎玩下, 可惜我媽有太多手具, 屋又細, 放唔到咁多, 佢連個焗爐都收埋左
    [版主回覆12/20/2008 07:53:00]又唔知會用得幾多次呢!!
    When you are getting marry, you can put it in the list of Marriage!

  4. 有人造新鮮無添加的bread, 你就好la!!! 多架機都冇問題la!!
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 07:06:00]無添加的bread, wah a new jingo! for Boulangerie Teddy bear!!


  5. [版主回覆12/20/2008 07:08:00]又唔知會用得幾多次呢!!

  6. wow~ 睇落好正喎﹗  下陷係咪因為麵包機唔夠樣膨脹攪到變型呀﹖ 我係估估下咋~~  不過呢個好啦~ 多個 toy 玩又多 d 嘢食啦﹗
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 07:02:00]need to ask Flying Cupcake and  +鹽+ vinegar!  
    they are expert! 

  7. 一隻香爐一隻鬼...
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 07:00:00] teddy bear's 香爐 as I 'm a Rice eater!

  8. 我都想買呀!但我miss左上次的大減價,要等下次啦!
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 07:00:00]It is 50 euros only as Made in China!
    For French Brand about 80 euros!

  9. 我以前家中也有一部 是credit card d 分買的 但沒有帶來法國
    [版主回覆12/17/2008 04:51:00]
    自從我 4 年前頭一次 在 友人家跟 bread machine 見面,   發現美洲大陸, 嘩咩世界上有d咁既 homeware? 
    大鄉里 真係第一次知道有呢樣野!

  10. 好方便咁喎。
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 16:46:00]自從我 4 年前頭一次 在 友人家跟 bread machine 見面,   發現美洲大陸, 嘩咩世界上有d咁既 homeware? 
    大鄉里 真係第一次知道有呢樣野!

  11. If my mother in law read the pain d'epice paragraph she will go real crazy and argue with you for a week to make you say that "pain" is form italy... she can't even accept the truth that marco polo brought spaghetti from china...
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 07:05:00]your mother in law is french or Italian?? 
     A lot of Italian is livingin Var and cote d'Azur!
    中菜西吃? Chinese food vs italian Food
    try to read this and see how she react!

  12. I am a rice and noodles monster too!  I do bread for MR V as a treat..but my favourite bread are those soft bread which we can get in HK/ Japanese bakeries!!  You have rice cooker and  teddy bear has bread machine ..it is fair!! 
    [版主回覆12/20/2008 07:09:00]  又唔知會用得幾多次呢!!   I got two Rice cooker!
     but  I 'm like his bulter as  I have to clear whateaver he has taken out from the refridge and all the ingredients, he will make bread  but won't clean the kitchen! not even put the buttter back in the fridge! 
