Recape of May 02, 2005
愎活節過後,泰狄熊因工事要由Syros到雅典兩天,在Eastern Monday 那天泰狄熊 和水晶晶 坐十二時的 Superfast Ferry 離開 Syros, 三時許已到達雅典,到酒店放下行李後,來到衛城腳下。
我們在 Monastiraki 車站下車,先到 Plaka 食午飯,因我們還沒有正式吃午飯呀! 在 一般Superfast Ferry 供應的是又乾又熱氣的快餐, Late lunch 對希臘人是很平常的。
再沿著市集走,經過了 Hadrian’s Library及 Tower of Winds,由小巷左往上走, 終於再次來到衛城下小山丘 上, 跳望 Ancient Agora 及 Lykavittos Hill (277M), 一望無際,風景秀麗!週圉還看見很多我國同胞啊!可能是因為困在什麼都沒有的小島上個多月,這時候心境特別舒暢,興奮、即使後來錯過了進入衛城的時間,也不覺可惜!
因為那天是Easter Monday,衛城五時關門,那時己是四時半,泰狄熊和水晶晶已曾經遊覽過衛城所以沒有進去,不過如有足夠時間我也渴望再三欣賞它的宏偉及壯觀建築風格。
衛城是由Perikles 於公元五世紀中葉(mid 5BC) 遊說記雅典人展開的龐大建設,像徽了 希臘人左在政治、文化領域上所取得的偉大成就。去衛城主要看三大神殿,除了最著明的巴特龍神殿外、還有Erechtheion 及雅典娜勝利女神神殿。
During the Classical period (450-330 B.C.), Perikles persuaded the Athenians to begin a grand programme of new building work in Athens . Acropolis, represent the political and cultural achievements of Greece . Three important temples were erected on the ruins of earlier ones: the Parthenon, the Erechtheion (Porch of he Caryatids), and the Temple of Athena Nike, dedicated to Athena Parthenos, Athena Polias, and Athena-Apteros Nike, respectively.
Plateia Syntagma / Syntagma Square
This Syntagma Square is home of the Greek Parliament in the Vouli building and the
Tomb of unknown Soldier, decorated with an
evocative relief depicting a dying Greek warrior. Unveiled on National day, March 25 1932, the tomb is flanked by texts from Perikles’s famous funeral oration. The national guard Evzomes are on continous patrol in front of the tomb,dress in their uniform of kilt and pom-pom clogs. They are best seen at the changing of the guard on every Sunday at 11 am and 5 pm.
希臘真係好靚, 不過我鍾意佢地小島多個雅典. 你有冇機會去過 Crete? 我當時到過 Knosis 睇過, 好開心呀.
回覆刪除I was supposed to go to Crete on last monday but unfortunately I broke my feet. I hope I can go there soon.
回覆刪除Crete is quite far away from Athen. Last time when we went there by flight. Perhaps b'coz Knosis is my first ancient building I saw in Greece, my wife and I were so impressive to the site! Really want to go Greece again but perhaps will be many years later. There are so many countries in the world that I want to go. :D
回覆刪除同埋重頂隱上次我同老婆蜜月響巴特龍神殿旁既劇場諗住山場水遠黎到希臘, 冇理由唔買張票睇架. 點知入場後先發現係一套話劇, 仲要係全希臘文完全唔知佢講乜.
回覆刪除咦...我去0個陣...d守衛著唔同衫架...呢套似冬天d, 我見0個套白色, 清涼d架! 唔通凍左著番冬季制服?
回覆刪除我有機會都要去一下雅典! 我想感受下古希臘的風光
回覆刪除Earthy , I'm in love with the Greek pop songs, those played with buzuki. greek Islands are the best place for Honeymoon, I also prefer to go around with my teddy bear. Muze That day was very cold and raining indeed , perhaps it was their coat.